Hey you! Happyyyyy Friday!
This week has been busy busy busy and I am SO ready for the weekend. The days are getting shorter and colder and I'm kind of wishing I had a tropical vacation planned to escape winter - but I think i'll have to learn to suck it up this year because travel is not happening.
But hey! That just means I'll have to find things to busy myself with.. and I want to tell you about the first project I have in mind.
Recently Acting: As Jesse's assistant putting up a TV at church before we (hopefully!) go back to church soon. Girl can use power tools.
Recently Prepping: Breakfast sandwiches and baked oatmeal for quick breakfasts!
We wake up really early because Jesse has to leave by 7:15am to get to work, so quick breakfasts make getting ready so much easier.
I freeze both the baked oatmeal and breakfast sandwiches on a Sunday (individual slices of the baked oats and individually wrapped breakfast sandwiches) and defrost them in the fridge overnight to reheat and eat the next morning.
SO easy and so delicious!
Recently Finding: That Miss Chanel not only loves wearing her little outfits, but they totally calm her down.
There's been so much construction and noise in our street lately and the dogs have been so on edge. When he had the tree loppers at our house earlier in the week I was just trying to distract Chanel and grabbed this random doggy jacket out of the cupboard because I know she loves wearing her doggy clothes - but as soon as I put it on and fastened it, she completely calmed down.
We think because they kind of "hug" her it must be relaxing - but now we know how to totally calm nervous Nelly down π It's only taken 12 years... haha
Recently Making: The most amazing "Pizza puffs" and then not sharing the recipe with you because life got a little crazy - but I promise it's coming next week!
Recently Enjoying: The extra sunshine and the sound of silence πThe gum tree out the front of our house was totally overgrown and we had so many branches sitting and scraping the top of the roof above our bedroom - but now they're gone!
It's crazy how cutting a few branches can give you so much extra light!
And now we don't have to worry about the dead branches falling and killing us.
Recent Heartbreak: Over the state of our world. Racism really grinds my gears and when I heard what happened with George Floyd, I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I was angry, disgusted, confused, frustrated - all the emotions.
And the worst thing is, this isn't the first horrible story - it's one of many.
Our world needs to change. The way we treat others needs to change.
This is not okay and it never will be.
Recent Purchases: Fabric dye - because your girl is hopping aboard the tie dye train.
I know. Everyone is doing it, but my friend Bec made the cutest pink tie dye jumper and I NEED to make myself one... plus Spotlight had rit dye powders on a buy one get one free deal so I grabbed 4 colours and am planning on having a tie dying day with Jesse and my sister tomorrow.
Recently Reading: Tiny Pieces of Us. I really enjoyed this book. At first I felt like it was a little slow, but then I couldn't put it down. The characters felt so real and raw and the scenery jumped from the pages. Such a beautiful story.
But tell me,
How has your week been?
And what have you been watching lately? We need new show recommendations!

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