Happy (little bit of freedom) Friday!
COVID-19 restrictions are slightly lifting here today as our case numbers are continuing to drop so we can now have 2 adults and their children over to our house - which is much better than the zero that it has been.
Whilst I'm a little hesitant about things getting lifted and the situation getting worse, I'm pretty proud of how our government and people have handled things and I think we'll be okay!
I don't know that we'll be having anyone over this weekend, but it's nice to have the option!
But enough of that,
Let me catch you up on the week! >>
Recently Celebrating: Jesse's new job! It's been kind of weird having him working all week when I've gotten used to him being home all the time - but he is rocking the new job!
Recently Wondering: If this is a new fashion, or a creepy Uniqlo cult... 😜
I went to the shopping centre for the first time in probably two months this week (to get Jesse some new things for work) and it was definitely odd. So many stores are still closed and it was super quiet - but I'm glad people are doing the right thing!
Recently Looking At: New cars! With Jesse's new job, he's driving 1 1/2 - 2 hours a day back and forth to work, so we're looking at buying a new Hybrid car! This isn't the one we're looking at, but Jesse is booked in for a test drive tomorrow and we'll decide which one is the one!
I've never bought a car before so it's totally foreign territory... especially if you remember that this girl does not drive 😜But maybe I will now that we'll have a shiny new car, haha!
Recently Waking: Before dawn to stand on our driveway with candles for ANZAC Day. ANZAC Day was totally different this year because there were no marches, no ceremonies, no big events - just Australians standing on their driveways, paying their respects.
Dare I say it, but I think it might have been better.
It was really touching to look up and down our street and see all these flickering candlelights - and in the distance we could hear a neighbour playing The Last Post on his saxophone.
Not traditional by any means, but the good kind of different.
(For international readers, ANZAC Day is a memorial day in Australia, remembering the ANZAC Soldiers - Australian and New Zealand Army Corp - who have served and died in all wars, conflicts and peacemaking operations)
Recently Snuggling: The puppers who are so glad we are all home more often. We've been enjoying time in the sun (when it was sunny... which it is no longer) and snuggled up inside when it's cold and both of them are happy as can be.

Recently Reading: Books - again! I'm not going to say my reading slump is over, but I have just felt like reading this week so I read and loved The Switch and I'm one story into If It Bleeds, which was pretty good.
Maybe I didn't read the blurb properly, or I don't remember what I read, but I wasn't expecting If It Bleeds to contain If It Bleeds and 3 other stories - but I like Stephen King's books so I'm not too sad about it.
Recently Posting: This Confetti Vegetable Impossible Pie Recipe which is the perfect lunch addition! Especially if you're heading back to work like Jesse!
This week for his lunches, I've been swapping between the Confetti Slice, Bacon Mac and Cheese Slice (always a fave!) and Tater Tot Crusted Quiche Recipe.
This weekend my plan is to make more of my Fried Rice Slice Recipe (if I can actually find rice at the shops, that is), this Spanish Style Impossible Pie Recipe (SO good!) and a batch of The Best Healthy Paleo Banana Bread Recipe!
But tell me,
How has your week been?
What's one thing you loved from the last week?

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