Hello there! It's been a few weeks since I've actually written a recent things post, but I wanted to confirm that we are indeed still alive and haven't contracted the plague.
I did get a few people wondering if the recipes were set on auto publish and something was wrong - but that was me posting them and we are indeed alive. The last month has just been so crazy I haven't had time to catch my breath - let alone catch you up on what's been happening.
It might seem a little odd as I know some people are finding themselves with so much extra time - but I've been busier than ever trying to keep up with work and then finding myself wanting to do a whole lot of nothing on the weekends because my brain is overrun. But the craziness has settled a little bit now and I have time to catch you up on the last few weeks!
Because there has totally been some REALLY good amongst the crazy.
So here's what we've been up to! >>
Recently Celebrating: Jesse's 30th birthday, quarantine style.
Jesse's birthday was actually the same day as the last Recent Things post I posted - but I couldn't tell you what I had planned because there was a whole lot of surprises!
The week of Jesse's birthday was rough. He was laid off because of the coronavirus (don't worry, he has a new job now which is actually much better!) and the epic 30th birthday party we had planned obviously couldn't happen... but I had a few surprises up my sleeve.
The first surprise wasn't planned by me, but the sweetest friends, who did a doorstep drop of McDonalds fries and an ice cream sundae and then parked their car on our front lawn so they could all sing Jesse happy birthday from a distance.
He was SO surprised and had the biggest smile on his face - but then he asked me if there were any other surprises planned...
And well, there was... but I figured I wasn't lying if I said no, because if I said yes it wouldn't be a surprise π
That night I'd organised a big group Zoom chat with a bunch of our friends and Jesse had absolutely ZERO idea.
So much so that whilst I was in my office waiting for everyone to log on, he called me from the other side of the house because he wanted to know what I was doing and why I was taking so long (because we had bought Onward on Apple movies π). Needless to say, when I brought the laptop out and he saw everyone's faces he was no longer mad about me delaying the movie.
And then we finished the night with Sorcerer Mickey Cupcakes and Onward (which was so good!)
We also celebrated Easter with virtual church services - and got dressed up in fancy clothes because the novelty of self isolating was seriously beginning to wear off and we needed something fun.
Recently Playing: Animal Crossing! I remember playing Animal Crossing on my Nintendo DS when I was a kid, so Jesse got the game and we've been playing it together here and there (such a cute game!)
Recently Decorating: Our windows! I was nominated for the Cricut Window Challenge (which I actually forgot to post for for the full 7 days, but we did complete it!) and added some cute Carebears to our Elsa window!
It's actually been so fun because we now have kids in the street who have to come and see the "Elsa house" every day and we often hear people talking about the window decorations as they walk past π
Recently Realising: There are way too many people + dogs out to be walking our dogs right now.
Our puppers don't do well with other dogs. Both are scared of them and whilst Chanel would prefer to run away/play dead/demand you pick her up, Trixie likes to pretend she's a big bad dog and growl at them.
Soooo, we just avoid them πThey've been running around the house instead....
Or being pulled in a wagon, which is their new favourite thing.
This is the kind of thing that happens when I'm bored and stuck at home. I also made Jesse pull me along in the wagon with the dogs π
Recently Enjoying: Our neighbourhood! The park has been CRAZY busy lately so I've been walking around the streets instead a lot and enjoying a different kind of view.
They recently knocked down a house that has the most epic view of the river, so I've been enjoying that while it lasts.
Oh and stumbling across free calculators... as you do
Recently Feeling: Bored with this whole staying at home thing. We're following the rules (and you should be too!) but I am just getting over being stuck at home and only leaving my house to either go for a walk, or buy groceries when I absolutely need to.
I need friends and hugs and people and social interaction.
I told Jesse when we're finally "free" I will be leaving our house in the morning and not coming home until it's time to sleep, haha.
Recently Reading: Not much at all, really. As I said, I've been so busy with work that I just haven't had time to myself... and usually by the time I finish working, the last thing I want to do is read because I've been reading and writing all day long.
I read Kelly Rimmer's The Secret Daughter on the weekend in two sittings and really enjoyed it though!
The books I've read recently but didn't love (which probably contributed to my not wanting to read) were Pretending by Holly Bourne (I just couldn't get into it), I Want You To Know We're Still Here (a post-holocaust memoir that felt a bit all of the place)
Recently Watching: Onward (SO good!), Dolittle (not as good as expected), Unorthodox (insanely good.. a short series but totally worth it) and the latest season of Terrace House which is always good entertainment.
Recently Posting: Some deeeelicious recipes! Let's start with the sweet!
This week's Gluten Free Caramel Almond Slice Recipe is our current favourite. It's crunchy, chewy, full of flavour and addictively delicious.
The Sorcerer Mickey Cupcakes Recipe was Jesse's birthday cake and they are seriously delicious - and so easy to make! You could totally make whatever kind of Mickey you like too!
For the savoury side of things, I posted this Roasted Pumpkin Beetroot and Feta Frittata Recipe which is a seriously delicious combo. Jesse thought I was crazy, but trust me! It is SO good!
But tell me,
How are you doing? (no, really!)
And what's life like for you right now?

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I'm glad you're both doing okay! Boo on being laid off but yay for an even better job! I'm glad he had a great birthday! A lot of my friends are playing Animal Crossing right now too, but since I'm so deeply invested in the Harvest Moon life and haven't finished a billion other games, I'm trying to be a responsible buyer, haha. :[
ReplyDeleteYou are too sensible, girl! :P I wish Jesse was that sensible with games - but he just moves from one to the next, haha!
DeleteYay, you're back! :) I'm glad Jesse had such a good birthday AND has a new job! It's tough out there right now... I have a couple of friends/family who lose their jobs this month and one who's just finished grad school and is trying to find one.
ReplyDeleteOur lives are boring! Eric's still WFH and Bean and I are surviving! He's crawling and pulling up now so I'm just trying to keep up :P
Right?! He was so lucky getting a job right now - there are so many people looking for jobs. One job he applied for when he thought he wouldn't get the job he did had over 280 applicants π³There was over 40 for the job he did get so he got pretty lucky!
DeleteAnd there is no way you can let little man get any bigger. How is he crawling already?!?!