Hello there! We survived another week in the crazy world we're living in right now. So cheers to that!
That's totally an achievement right now.
I was at the supermarket on Wednesday and had this moment of "is this actually real life?!". Because right now, things feel so strange. Walking around the supermarket with no food on the shelves, people wearing masks everywhere - even people walking around the park who now don't even say good morning and pretty much leap to the other side of the road to get 4 metres away from you.
It's weird and sad - so, be kind to yourself right now. The world isn't functioning as it normally is, society isn't functioning normally, things are stressful and different and it's okay to not feel okay about it.
Sooo, let's make things a little lighter and let me catch you up on the week that was!
Here's what's been happening in our world this week! >>
Recently Snuggling: With the puppers, who are SO glad we're spending more time at home. Chanel has been sleeping under the coffee table in my office because she's seemingly decided that's the cosiest spot there. It has a circular base and she snuggles herself right in 😜
Recent Weirdness: Um, THE WHOLE WORLD... but also this sight on my morning walk the other day... a group of people, in life jackets, pulling their canoes....
And then not letting ANYONE pass them as they walked like snailsssss.
Recently Spotting: RAINBOWS! Albeit a faint, pastel coloured rainbow - but a rainbow nonetheless!
Recently Walking: The puppers! I go kind of stir crazy when I'm stuck at home so I've been taking lots of socially distanced walks, sometimes with the puppers, sometimes with the husband and sometimes by myself.
I told Jesse if we go into full lockdown I'm going to start doing Youtube workouts and get RIPPED 😂(NOTTTTT)
Recently Playing: New board games - and eating gluten free lollies! Dungeon Mayhem is a pretty great game - and yesterday an Amazon package arrived with Dragon Slayer (a new dice game!) and Jesse and I are planning on playing it this weekend!
I was thinking about maybe putting up a two player dice game guide whilst so many of us are stuck at home with only our partner or immediate family - so let me know if you're keen on that! There are lots of 2 player games in our Ultimate Board Game Guide and Adults Only Board Game Guide and almost all of them have Amazon prime or online shipping options so you can order them and have them delivered!
Recently Loving: Joe Jonas' daily DJ sets on Instagram stories! They've been around the time I go for my morning walk so I've been bopping along each morning and laughing at his antics. Yesterday there was even a guest appearance from Kevin's sweet daughters!
Recently Photographing: An Easter table setting, ready for a guest post I'm writing that will be published soon!
I'll admit, lately I've felt like scrapping our Easter celebrations altogether because we won't be able to do anything that I planned, but I've decided we need to get the fancy plates and cutlery out and celebrate anyway - even if it's just over a regular dinner!
Recently Laughing At: All the coronavirus memes 🤪You've got to laugh or you'll cry, right?!
This week has been so stressful with work and I felt like I haven't really had a second to breathe, so I've been trying to take some time out to laugh with friends over video chats, laugh with my family or giggle over silly memes.
Recently Posting: This Gluten Free Lemon Coconut Slice Recipe. SOOOO yum!
And I also posted 10 Things You Can Do With Friends Over Video Chat. I've heard from so many people who have used the ideas this week and it's brought me so much joy! I even opened my email to see screenshots from a huge group trivia session from Jess in England! So cool!
But tell me,
What's one GOOD thing from your week?
And what's keeping you sane right now?

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