Helloooo there! Happy Friday!
I have been struggling to get out of bed lately. The temperature has dropped a few degrees, it's dark in the mornings and my weighted blanket makes me feel like I'm in a cosy cocoon that I never want to leave - so I am SO glad the weekend is here so I can stay in bed for a little longer the next few days 😜
Usually I'm a wide awake at 6am and ready to go kinda person, but work has been so hectic and we've had so much on outside of work too that I need all the rest I can get!
But first, let me catch you up on the week!
Here's what's been happening in our world this week! >>
Recently Baking: ALLLL the treats for our bible study group.
It's pretty much a given that, if you're friends with me, I will feed you. I've been testing a bunch of recipes lately and our friends have been eating them.
These blueberry friands were perfect and I'm planning on making another batch soon to photograph for the blog. So simple and seriously delicious!
This week I also made a passionfruit slice that needs some tweaking and last week I made a lemon coconut slice that I'm sure will be on the blog soon because it was SO good!
Recently Learning: That I was SOOOO wrong about the germiest place on a plane.
I know that seatbelts and tray tables seem to be germ havens... but I never thought about the AIR VENTS! Apparently they've done studies and have found that the air vents are the germiest part of the plane.
Why? Because they don't get cleaned and EVERYONE touches them 🤢
Now you know what I'll be doing next time I'm on a plane 😂Only touching that air vent with a disinfectant wipe, haha.
Photo props to Anthony for sharing that in our group chat yesterday.... I will never look at an air vent the same way again.
Recently Reading: Not that much, really.
Things have been SO busy lately that I've hardly read anything - but last night Jesse was out and I was home so I read about 75% of In Five Years and so far I'm really enjoying it. It's easy to read, the characters are real and relatable - but I have a feeling it's going to break my heart. We'll have to wait and see...
Recently Crating: ALLL the things for Jesse's birthday party. Over the weekend I cut dozens of pieces of paper bunting.... so much so that I'm worried I'm going to kill the Cricut blade 😜Luckily I have a spare blade I bought a few months ago which is ready and waiting to swap out if needed!
Recently Dreaming About: Our next Disney trip! It's not until November 2021 (unless we end up going at Christmas time this year 😜) but since we're going for Thanksgiving (I KNOW, it will be busy - but it's a family trip and our nieces and nephews can't take time off school) I've been looking at all the different things we could do.
Plus, I need something to take my mind off the craziness of life and not being able to go on vacation this year!
Recently Posting: The most delicious Peanut Butter Swirled Chocolate Fudge Brownies Recipe. Ohhh my word. SO good, friends.
But tell me,
How has your week been?
And what's something you learnt this week?

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