Heeelloooo there! Happy Friday!
It feels like summer here at the moment because it is hot already and I am LOVING it! Lately it's felt like Spring was never going to arrive, but Mother Nature finally turned the heat up and I am so glad.
But enough talk about the weather, that's something you do when you're old and boring...
Let me catch you up on our week! >>
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Recently Buying: A new baby pineapple. It's rare that I see pineapples with the tops on at the shops so when I spotted this one I grabbed it and put it in my trolley ASAP. That will be pineapple baby #3, unless my just-harvested plant decides to grow the ratoon crop it's supposed to...
Recently Finishing: Alllll of our Disney t-shirts! And sharing some sneak peeks on Instagram. We are OBSESSED and I cannot wait to wear and share them! Only 10 days to go!!!!
Recently Winning: Yahtzee! We played board games with friends over the weekend and I played Yahtzee for the first time ever and somehow managed to win!
We're planning on buying our own version when we're in the US so we can play it at home... because somehow I can't seem to find Yahtzee in any shops here. Hmm.
Recent Surprises: Our friends at Cricut sent me some of their new materials and we are OBSESSED!
From L-R; Premium Vinyl Textured Metallic, Glitter Iron On, Natalie Malan Patterned Iron On and Premium Vinyl True Brushed.
Recently Finding: Walker's Gluten Free Shortbread Assortment. Hellooooo deliciousness! Shortbread is something we always have at Christmastime and I usually make homemade gluten free shortbread, but I'm going to have to try this too!
Recently Reading: And lovinggggggg! Sophie Kinsella's Christmas Shopaholic and Cathy Kelly's The Family Gift. Both such great books - and so easy to get into.
Recently Posting: My Banana Hemp Hippie Muffins Recipe which is a family fave! These muffins are seriously so delicious - and even the fussiest of eaters will love them.

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