Helloooo! Happy Fri-yay!
This week has seriously flown by. As i'm trying to fit a whole bunch of work stuff in before we go away and also trying to tick off a bunch of pre-holiday projects, this week has been go go go - but not in a terrible way. Productive, but good productive.
But there's also been a lot of fun this week. We've worked on heaps of projects, celebrated friends, enjoyed daylight savings (for literally two days before the weather decided to change and feel more like winter) and planned more of our trip.
But before I get ahead of myself,
Let me catch you up on our week!
Recent Gardening: My baby pineapple is almost ready to eat! And since it started going yellow, I finally listened to my husband and decided to put a garden stake in the pot to prop the pineapple up (as it's been dangling down because it's so heavy ever since it actually fruited).
Problem was, I didn't actually have a stake or ties and I didn't want to go to bunnings... so I grabbed a broom handle, drove it into the dirt with a shovel (because a hammer would have been to conventional) and tied my pineapple up with some chux cloths because why not?
Don't worry, the cloths are now under the pineapple so it's completely exposed to the sun.
Here's hoping this doesn't actually kill it, because I will be SO MAD if the pineapple that's taken two years to grow dies at the last minute, haha!
Recently Making: ALLLLL the Cricut-ed projects! A friend of ours had his birthday this week so we decided to make him a custom t-shirt and card - allll with a dabbing theme 😛
And a dabbing shirt requires a dabbing card - but they are impossible to find in store, so we decided to make our own 😝
And of course we've also been making our Disney t-shirts! I shared a sneak peek of one of the shirts over on Instagram and we've got so many more to show you. We've now made 22 custom shirts for the two of us and are planning to make two more when our glow in the dark iron on arrives (yes!!!!) as well as four sweatshirts because your girl is going to get cold at night, guaranteed.
Recently Buying: Minnie Ears! I didn't love the new Ariel Minnie Ears available at Disneyland and Disney World, but then I found these ones were available at Shanghai Disneyland so I ordered them online! They are SO cute!
Also, don't cut the tag off these ears if you buy them (or any ears from Shanghai) because oh my word, what a mess. I think the tags look stupid because they're so large (and I'm not going to sell them so I don't care that my ears don't say that they're official any longer) but when I cut this tag off, strings and fluff and fibres went EVERYWHERE. I'm thinking I'm going to have to dab a tiny bit of clear nail polish on the cut end to stop it from fraying.
I also really wanted some Pirate Minnie Ears... but they were going to arrive after we left, so I skipped those and am hoping I can find some kind of cute pirate ears in DL because Pirates of the Carribbean is our FAVOURITE ride (Ariel's Undersea Adventures is the second fave and Ariel is my favourite Disney princess) and we have shirts to match, haha.
Recently Exploring: Nature! Since it was a long weekend, we decided it called for a long walk and explored a local park we don't usually go to in search of a new walking path.
We never found the walkway we were looking for, but it was still such a pretty walk!
We were also enjoying walks after dinner... for two days... and then it got really cold! Hopefully the weather warms up again sometime soon. It definitely doesn't feel like the second month of Spring.
Recently Reading: Rules for Vanishing. It was so creepy and weird and twisted that I could not put it down once I got halfway through.
I haven't been reading much lately as we've been so busy, but this book was really good!
Recently Posting: This DEEELICIOUS Easy Flourless Double Chocolate Cookies Recipe that you NEED to try ASAP. SOOO good.

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