Helloooo, Happy Friday!
It's a good thing I'm writing to you and not talking to you right now because I have about 0.02% of my voice at the moment because I've been super sick all week 😔Basically, the moral of that story is that you shouldn't assume the sickness is gone from your house and then get slack with essential oils/all cold avoiding methods because all of a sudden you'll wake up and feel like a tiny minion went to town on your throat with a chain saw while you were sleeping. Womp womp.
Luckily I managed to fit in some good before that happened though...
So let me catch you up on our week! >>
Recently Enjoying: Lunch with a view with my parents and Jesse over the long weekend! Originally we planned on going to La Perouse, but it was such a beautiful day that the rest of Sydney also decided that was a great idea - so we drove around Little Bay and noticed the golf club and stopped there instead. Such a pretty view - and such a perfect day!
Recently Browsing: The aisles of TK Maxx and almost buying this Unicorn Cat for Chanel, until I realised that she has 16,000 toys that are strewn all over the house and she probably doesn't need another one (especially since the last time I was at TKX, I bought her two).
I did only walk away with one thing so that was pretty much unheard of... but I think the store was changing over stock as I just couldn't find anything to fall in love with.
Recently Buying: This Davis and Waddell stovetop waffle iron! I have an electric waffle stick maker but I saw this and decided to try a stovetop one instead. We're planning on having breakfast for dinner tonight so I'll have to report back on how it works!
Recently Realising: This is totally our dogs. Let's hope their predictions never come true.
Recently Reading: A whole bunch of books! I loved The Bookshop on the Shore by Jenny Colgan (but I always love her books) and The Book of Wonders but I was a bit so-so on The Last Adventure of Napoleon Sunshine.
Recently Posting: This scrumdiddlyumptious cookie recipe! This Gluten Free Hot Chocolate Cookies Recipe is SO good! Seriously, you need to make them this weekend!
But tell me,
How has your week been?
What's the best thing you've eaten this week?

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