Helllooooo! Happy Friday!
This week feels like it's dragged on - but I think it's because Jesse has been away for work all week, and outside of work during the day, I have been bored. But for me, boredom also means a lot of reading, planning and thinking - so I spose it's not all bad.
Luckily Jesse is back tonight and we have a weekend of celebrations planned! But before I can get to that - I've got to catch you up on our week!
Here's what's been happening lately! >>
Recent Pineappling: You guys, my baby pineapple actually looks like a pineapple now! This whole process is so cool - the fruit part of the pineapple was previously these long purple flowers (almost like jacaranda flowers) but now it's looking more and more like an actual pineapple. Check out that tiny crown!
Recent Celebrating: Jesse's birthday - with this Gluten Free Strawberry Shortcake Birthday Cake! Because he was away for work, we celebrated on Sunday with cake - and will then be celebrating this weekend with friends!
Recent Feeling: A little bit cold, actually! Summer is definitely over! It rained all day yesterday and has been pretty gloomy and blah. The dogs are definitely feeling it as they've been super snuggly all week!
Recent Watching: The new live action Dumbo! Oh me oh my it was SO good! I sobbed my way through half of it, but loved every second!
Recent Laughing At: Trixie being TERRIFIED of this tiny Easter chick. And I mean TERRIFIED. Jesse thinks like it's plotting the murder of whoever decided it should have those ridiculous bunny ears - but I don't think it's worth being terrified over.
Mind you, Trixie is completely terrified by feathers. If she finds one, she loses her 💩. Maybe she thought it had feathers?
Recently Looking Forward To: Daylight savings ending... which I never say. I'm not looking forward to the sun setting so early - but I am looking forward to not waking up in the dark. I've been sleeping in til 7am (which is unheard of for me) because it's so dark!
Recently Reading: ALLLL THE BOOKS! I'm now at 30 books read for the year (10 each month) and this week I read and loved Every Last Lie and Book of Dreams.
If you're ever wanting book reviews from me - head over to Instagram where I share all my thoughts on what I'm reading (good and bad!).
I've also been reading Ordinary by Tony Merida and it's SO brilliant. The kind of book every Christian (and non Christian, really) should read.

Recently Posting: This delicious Gluten Free Strawberry Shortcake Cake Recipe and a GIVEAWAY! Which you need to enter before Sunday if you want to win!
But tell me!
How has your week been?
What's the weirdest thing you've ever grown in your garden?
And what's the best movie you've watched this year?

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