Happppy Friday!
I totally woke up (late) this morning thinking that it was Saturday, but alas, there's still one day left in the working week. But that's okay because the weather is beautiful today and we're planning a night out at the night markets tonight.
But before I get to the weekend, I've got to catch you up on the week!
Here's what we've been up to this week! >>
Recent Weather: This week's weather has been terrible. Rain, storms, crazy winds, cold - just bleh weather overall.
Today, however, is lovely! The sun is shining, the sky is blue and this girl is HAAAAPPPYY!
Recently Building: These silly little cut outs from Woolworths. We got three the other day when we did our shopping. I swear we're not 5 years old...
Recently Trying: To work with a puppy on my lap, lying with her head on my keyboard. Yesterday Trixie was really snuggly so when I worked from my laptop, she had to be lying right on top of me. Puppies don't understand that mouse pads are needed.
Recently Playing: Board games with friends. We last ourselves stupid over Open Wide Grandma (SO inappropriate) and then played Age of War and another X-Men/Avengers game
Recently Working On: Christmas recipes! Here's a little sneak peek at a Christmas Cookie recipe coming to you next week!
Recently Reading: A bunch of books! I read A Noise Downstairs (really good and really creepy), I Can't Remember The Title But The Cover Is Blue (so fun! A perfect Christmas gift), She Was The Quiet One (the start was slow but the second half was great) and Of Blood and Bone (a bit so-so and too much of a YA fantasy vibe for me!)
Recently Laughing At: This meme. We saw it the other day and couldn't stop laughing. If only I was snarky enough to send this to the people who don't reply to my texts/messages/emails! UGH!
Recently Posting: This Gluten Free Banana Crumble Cake Recipe and my Foodie Gift Guide for 2018.
But tell me,
How has your week been?
What's the last thing you laughed at?
And what are your weekend plans?

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