Hey lovely ones! HAPPPPYYY FRIDAY!
This week has been another crazy week (the whole catching up after a vacation thing is no fun - especially when it's the end of the month and you've got to create a month's worth of content for a heap of clients) but I survived it - and this weekend's a long weekend so it has totally been worth it!
But before I get to the weekend, I've got to catch you up on the week!
Here's what's been happening this week! >>
Recently Considering: Teaching myself to sew all over again.
In high school I used sewing machines easily and made all sorts of things (I even had a sewing machine at home and made lots of different things on it) but then I saw someone sew over their finger and it scared me so much I REFUSED to use a sewing machine again.
Soooooooooooo, for the last 10 or so years, I've hand sewn everything.
But whilst I'm really good at hand sewing, you can't really hand sew clothing and I really want to make some cute shorts for something we have planned - so I'm considering just buying a machine and teaching myself to sew all over again....
We'll see if that happens...
Recently SQUEALING: Over the fact that I have THE NEXT PERSON YOU MEET IN HEAVEN!!!!!!!!!
The Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom (AU link here) is my favourite book OF ALL TIME and I have been waiting 12+ years for this book. To be honest, I'd lost hope that there would be a sequel - until Mitch announced it and I immediately preordered it.
Little did I know, I wouldn't need to preorder it because my publisher friends sent me a pre-release copy.
You can still preorder The Next Person You Meet in Heaven (US link here/AU link here)
I SQUEALED for like 10 minutes, jumping up and down with excitement. Anddddd, I get excited over books - but never this excited.
I can't wait to devour it this weekend!
Recently Planning: A board game night with friends tomorrow! And also planning to reorganise the craziness that is our board game cupboard... it just keeps growing and getting more and more out of control!
I'm thinking of adding all of our favourite board games to my Amazon page... what do you think?
Recently Organising: Our Christmas content! I'm busily planning gift guides AND giveaways for Christmas and I can't wait to share them with you!
Recently Missing: Disneyland! We have totally struggled since getting back because we went from being on holidays where it was FUN ALL THE TIME to being at home where it's pretty boring, haha!
That said, it has been SO GOOD seeing all of our friends. We might have only been away for 19 days, but it felt like so much longer - and it's so good being able to hug and laugh and talk with the people we love the most.
I'm so lucky to have some amazing friends! Now I've just got to convince a bunch of them to join us on a group holiday because that would be totally awesome!
If you've been on a group holiday with friends, I want to know all the details - where, when, who, what - hit me!
Friends... do yourself a favour.
But tell me,
How has your week been?
What's the last thing you were REALLY excited about?

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