Hellooo lovely! Happy Friday!!
This is my last Recent Things post as a 25 year old and I've just realised that next week I'll have to work out how many things mention my age and change them... truth be known, I'll probably find things that say I'm 21/22/23/24 instead of 25 because I forget just how many about pages I have 😛
My birthday is on Sunday and we have zero plans which I am totally happy with. I'm not a big birthday person for myself (I LOVE celebrating other people's birthdays, but me? Not so much) but we will have cake.. because cake is a MUST.
But before I get to the weekend, I've got to catch you up on the week!
Here's what's been happening in our world recently! >>
Recently Loving: Warm sunshiney days! At the end of July it got really warm but then the August winds hit which turned the temperature dial down a little, but it's still lovely! You still need a light jumper but it's definitely not the gross kind of winter weather where you need multiple layers.
Recently Wondering: If my pineapple plant is going to die....
It's grown really well but it's just recently started going yellowish and I'm hoping that doesn't mean it's going to die... hmmm..
Recently Enjoying: Lunch at Cronulla with my Mum and Jesse! On Saturday we decided to get out of the house and decided Mum should come with us (my Dad was working) so we all headed to Cronulla for lunch. It was such a perfect day!
We ended up having lunch at Cronulla RSL because everywhere else was full (and it was the only non-full place with an awesome view!) but apparently my name is way too hard for Cronulla RSL to recognise :P
Hello from Land B M Ayer ✋
Recently Reading: The Party by Lisa Hall (AU link here). I think I was expecting a little too much from this book. I was expecting a thriller that I wouldn't be able to put down and I got a book that just seemed to drag on, only getting that "can't put it down" feeling in the last 10 pages. Buh bowww!
I also read The Last of the Bonegilla Girls (AU link here) and I've just started The Suicide Club (AU link here) which I'm really enjoying so far!
Recent Highlights: I didn't take many photos this week because I've been so busy (and whenever i'm not working, I don't want to be near my phone, haha) but there have been lots of highlights;
Lots of walks with Jesse (still playing Pokemon Go!), walking with friends that I love, finally getting in touch with my half sister in law and organising to go and see her and her fam when we're in the US, finalising our Disney ticket booking and hotel, snuggling with our sweet puppers who have been extra snuggly this week, two awesome new clients that I instantly clicked with and FINALLY feeling better after a week and a bit super sick with a cold.
Recent Posts: This week I shared a super easy recipe that's perfect for a busy week like this! My No Bake Peanut Butter Cookie Dough Bites Recipe are a current fave in our house because they're so quick and easy to make - and so delicious!
But tell me,
How has your week been?
What are some of the highlights of your week?
And what are your weekend plans?!

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