Helloooo, lovely ones! Happy Friday!
This week has been insanely busy with work (hello end of financial year) but I am looking forward to a busy weekend full of fun! But before I can get to that - I've got to catch you up on our week (and share our weekend plans!)
So here's what's been happening in our world recently! >>
Recent Excitement: WE'RE GOING TO DISNEYLAND! And Louisiana, and California and Universals Studios Hollywood - but can you tell what I'm most excited for?!
I've been trying to convince Jesse we needed to go back to mainland USA this year and he finally agreed - so the holiday planning queen has jumped into action and everything is getting sorted.
And do you know what that means for you guys?! A gluten free guide to everywhere we're going 😜
I'm planning on finding the best allergy friendly places to eat, stay, see, and do and I'll definitely have to share them with you.
Recent Puppy Love: The puppies have been extra snuggly lately because it has been COLD.
And Miss Chanel seems to be permanently attached to her favourite unicorn toy. Seriously. As if she's not ridiculously cute?!
Recently Celebrating: Selfie Day.
Not really, but I just happened to take a selfie on selfie day which is incredibly rare because I don't usually take photos of myself - but I realised my MacBook Pro has a photobooth app, haha.
Recently Confused By: This Koala Sign in the park...
There's a few problems with it;
1) It's a very fake looking plastic sign.
2) There are no koalas in the park.
3) The park isn't 15km long..
4) It's on a pole in the middle of nowhere - not somewhere you'd usually put a sign.
I'm guessing someone has nailed it up there as a joke? Who knows... but if it is a joke, it's working because all of a sudden people are looking up looking for koalas that aren't there.
Recently Reading: This week I've read Burning Fields (AU link here), Shelter in Place (AU link here - SO GOOD!!!!), When Life Gives You Lululemons (AU link here - also so good!) and I'm about halfway through Days of Wonder (AU link here).
Also, wondering why I'm sharing the AU links? It's because we soon won't be able to buy from Amazon US in Australia and now that Amazon AU now has Amazon Prime, I thought I'd start sharing both links in case you want to get shopping! I do earn a really small affiliate income from those links (I'm talking a few cents) but I use them to buy more books to read and share with you - so it's a win win.
Recently Trying To: Avoid the rain - but it hasn't really been working.
I was in the city for meetings earlier in the week where the rain was quite comical. It was raining SO HARD that even an umbrella wouldn't keep you dry - and I also found I had a hole in the bottom of my sneakers so my feet were soaking wet.
And yesterday? I went for a walk only to have it consistently mist on me so by the time I got home, I was soaked - even though it never really rained properly.
Recently Plans: This Sunday we're braving the cold and heading out to watch The State of Origin Game 2 with some friends! We've got our scarves and beanies (and thermals) and are ready to go!
Recent Posts: As I mentioned earlier, this week has been crazy busy so I was a bad blogger and only posted one recipe - but it was a delicious one so that should have made up for it!
I shared The Best Paleo Chocolate Zucchini Bread Recipe which is seriously one of my favourite things. SO GOOD!
But tell me,
How has your week been?
What are your weekend plans?
And what's something you're excited about?!

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