Well hey, sweet friend! It's Friday again and I am soooooooooo ready for the weekend after a crazy busy week. But whilst the week has been crazy busy, it's also been crazy good as lots of good things have happened.
So let me share this crazy good week with you!
Here's what's been happening in our world recently! >>
Recent Celebrations: My birthday! It was my birthday on Saturday and Jesse got me a new lens that I had to test out right away - so we headed off on an adventure to the royal botannic gardens to take photos and walk around.
And apparently matching sunglasses is the key to marital success. For some reason I never realised our aviators are almost exactly the same, haha.... but mine are mirrored so I can roll my eyes and the chances of you seeing are minimal 😜
Recent Surprises: On Friday I headed to the post office expecting nothing exciting... maybe a tax lodgement statement or something... but instead I found a surprise package from none other than my beautiful friend Claire!
Megan had surprised me during the week with a book too and I was so excited to open the package and find this note! Both Claire and Megan are the sweetest friends - and I am totally working on Claire to move to Sydney so we can hang out in person all the time. I'm so glad I have this little place on the interwebs to meet so many beautiful friends!
Recent Happiness: Speaking of friends, my beautiful friend and cake decorator extraordinaire Danni from Sweetcheeks Cookies and Cakes made my Carrot Cake Cheesecake Recipe and gave it her tick of approval - which I feel like says a lot because Danni's cakes are AMAZING!
Recent Purchases: These Stellar Espadrilles from Holster. SO cute and so comfy!
Recent Garden Success: So whilst I have somewhat of a black thumb and can only really grow vegetables here and there, apparently if you accidentally smash an entire glass jar of flaxseeds, don't realise that some went under your fridge, have said fridge leak and catch on fire causing you to pull said fridge out of it's little hidey hole, you can grow a plant.
This is what flaxseed looks like when it grows and flowers.
When Jesse found the sprouting flaxseeds under the fridge that day, we put them in a pot because I wanted to see if they grow and well... they did. The plant is super tall and it has all these cute little white flowers!
Recent Weather: It has been smoky in Sydney this week as our incredible fire fighters have been doing some hazard reduction back burning. We've had a pretty warm and dry winter so that usually means Spring and Summer = fires - so I'm really thankful for firefighters who work hard to protect our land!
Recent Puppy Love: The puppies have been sleepy as usual and little miss Chanel has spent most days this week below me as I've worked from home. She will sleep on anything that's on the ground... towels, blankets, pillows - even those recyclable shopping bags if one falls onto the ground and she can get to it before you pick it up.
Trixie, on the other hand, prefers to sleep on our bed. This is her face the other day when she came out of our room after sleeping in there for hours... so scruffy!
Chanel got a new dress recently (we found it at Kmart for like $5) and whenever we put it on her she prances around making everyone look at how cute she is. I used to think there was no way dogs would like to wear clothes - but apparently some do. Chanel will not let you take them off once you put them on her (but we take them off before she sleeps at night - much to her annoyance) and she is totally in love with herself whenever she's wearing something, prancing around like a beauty queen.
Trixie used to HATE them and wouldn't wear anything - but now she's realised Chanel gets more attention so she'll sometimes pester you to put one on her too :P
But generally, Trixie is just her goofy little self.
Recent Board Games: This week we have been playing board games by ourselves - but also with our friends as we had a pizza and board game night.
This week, Jesse decided on a new favourite and it's actually really fun. Castle Panic looks really nerdy - but it's really easy to understand and totally sucks you in!

We also played Poo the Card Game last night which was interesting - and earlier in the week we played Minions Kerplunk which totally took me back to my childhood because it's just like Tumblin' Monkeys!
Recent Plans: Tomorrow I will be starting my very first not quite a book club and I'm so excited!!! I'm getting together a bunch of friends for wine, dessert and then everyone gets to take home a book a copy of Before We Were Yours!
Now I just have to decide what desserts I'm going to bring!

Recent Posts: This week on the blog, I shared 25 Things I've Learnt in 25 Years as well as this delicioussss Carrot Cake Cheesecake Recipe.
But tell me, how has your week been?
What are your plans for the weekend?
And what's one thing that made you happy this week?
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