Helloooo lovelies! This is the last time I'll be writing to you as a 24 year old because tomorrow is my birthday and I am then a quarter of a century old.
Holyyyyy cow. Meanwhile I still get asked for ID, still get asked how my day was at school (almost every time I go to the grocery store) and am constantly asked what I'm going to study at university now that I've finished the HSC.... um yeah... if that was the case, I've had a 7 year long "gap year".
But luckily, I'm going to catch you up on what's really been happening in my world recently.
So here's what we've been up to! >>
Recent Surprises: The beautiful Megan sent me a surprise birthday gift that I totally wasn't expecting! The package arrived yesterday and I saw the Book Depository label and thought "huh?! I thought the book I preordered wasn't due out until October!" and then I opened it and thought "huh? I didn't order this" - but then I thought again and knew exactly who it was that had ordered it! My sweet New Zealand friend!
THANK YOUUUUUU again, my sweet friend!

Recent Weight Lifting: The other day I was walking in the park when my Mum sent me the first photo. She was just about to leave for work when she realised one of the potted trees had fallen into the pool with the wind the night before.
She's got carpal tunnel issues at the moment so I knew she couldn't go out - and I knew that Jesse was interstate for work for the day so he couldn't get it out - so I decided to hulk out and haul that thing out of the pool myself.
I don't actually know how I did it because that thing was HEAVY! The tree on it's own is heavy - but soaked with water? Yuh. I guess it was adrenaline?
Recent Celebrations: Over the weekend we celebrated my Dad's 60th birthday - and apparently everyone had the same birthday gift idea as this was his birthday present haul - a WHOLEEEE LOTTA ALCOHOL.
Recently Playing: ALL THE GAMES! The board game/card game obsession is still running strong and this week we've got some new faves!
Rhino Hero - a card stacking game where you have to follow the rules, build the tower and move Rhino Hero up the tower when prompted - all without knocking it over. It's a super simple game - but so fun and so addicting!
Bucket of Doom - this may just be my new favourite party game. Everyone gets a hand of cards - each with two objects on each card. You then each take turns getting out of the near death experience that's on the "Doom" card. To explain how you get out, you have to tell a story and that's where things get really funny! This is a MUST BUY!
Poop! The Game - a really simple card game that is actually really funny. You each take turns "pooping", making sure you don't clog the toilet. Each of the poop cards have a number and each of the toilet cards have a number that you can't exceed - so you have to play the game trying to catch your opponents out. The best bit is that all of the skip cards have an action that comes along with them - that the person then has to do on every single turn (or they lose and have to take all the cards) - and there's everything from fart noises and splashing sounds to flushing and nose holding. This would be the perfect game for kids and adults who love potty humour 😜
Recent Excitement: Earlier this week, a big box arrived on my doorstep filled with books and wine! Thanks to Harper Collins, I'm just about to start a not-quite-a-bookclub with some girlfriends and the first book we'll be reading is Before We Were Yours by Lisa Wingate.
It's a "not-quite-a-bookclub" because rather than reading the books in a specific time frame and then getting together to answer questions and analysis - we're all meeting up for an evening of wine, dessert and laughs and then each taking a book home to read at our own pace. This way there's no pressure - but if you want someone to talk about the book with, you have 10 other women who you know have read it too!
Recent Read: Secrets to Happiness by Sarah Dunn. This was a so-so read, but I couldn't resist a photo with my pups!
And let's be real, that's the reason I picked up the book in the first place.
Speaking of puppies. Both puppies have been extra snuggly this week and have wanted ALLLLL of my attention. Who needs a baby?!
Recently Enjoying: ALL of the sunshine and warm days. Umm, it's currently winter in Australia and yet I've spent most days in shorts and a t-shirt before it gets cool in the afternoon.
On Sunday Jesse and I went down to the river in short and a t-shirt and it was beautiful and warm!
Recent Posts: This week on the blog I shared Why It's Okay to NOT Love How You Look as well as this delicious Paleo and Vegan One Bowl Almond Butter Brownies Recipe.
But tell me, how has your week been?
How do you usually celebrate your birthday?
And what are you excited about?
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