Welll heeeeeeeeeeeeey, friends! Happy Friday! Or almost Friday if it's not yet Friday in your part of the world... but hey! At least you know it's coming!
This week has been busy with work - but with lots of fun thrown into the mix too.
So let me catch you up on what's been happening lately!
Recent Disappointment: When my Dad sent me this message.
You just don't tell a person you were going to get a pig and not follow through.
I did what any regular person would do and started daydreaming (nightdreaming?) about being a pig mama with my little piglet, taking it for walks in the park and being that weird "pig lady".
My Dad wasn't convinced. No pig for me.
Recent Discovery: Litsy! A social media channel completely dedicated to books?! YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!
I'm totally hooked!
Recent Puppy Loving: Lots of snuggles and reading time. Trixie is my reading buddy - whether I'm reading on my chair or snuggled up in bed.
Recent Time Out: We took some time out of work yesterday to see a movie - in recliner chairs of course. Hoyts now have leather recliners in all of their cinemas (at select locations for the moment) and it is heavenly. Toodles, Event Cinemas.
Recent Gardening: Or not..... this flaxseed plant/bush/I don't know has continued to grow despite the fact I rarely water it... I'm going to say the winter morning dew is probably on my side 😝
I also decided since I was growing one superfood, I'd put some chia seeds in another pot and relive my chia pet days. We'll see if anything actually grows because I don't know if you can put straight chia seeds in a pot and they'll grow or whether they're dried or something... who knows!
Recent Laughs: Playing with Facebook filters. Facebook has so many more filters than Instagram... and they have voice changing filters!!!!
Recent Fails: Or wins, depending on how you look at it...
Do you remember how last week I said that we had movie tickets to go out on Saturday night but then I didn't know if we'd end up going?
Spoiler alert, we stayed home. It was cold and we were lazy. The end.

Recent Recipes: This week on the blog I shared this deeeelicious Flourless Honey Cornbread Muffins Recipe as well as a Vegan Chunky Monkey Smoothie Recipe. YUMMMMMMMM!
But tell me, what's been happening in your world this week?
What's the last movie you saw in cinemas?
And what would your dream pet be?
I always wanted a pig or a goat... or some chickens... or ducks... or anything really - but I'll settle for ALL THE PUPPIES!
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