Well hey there! Happy Friday... or almost Friday if you're reading this from the northern hemisphere.
Each week just seems to fly on by lately - but that's kind of okay because I hate winter and it means we're only 97 days away from Hawaii - but before we can get to that, I've got to catch you up on this week!
So here's what's been happening in our world recently >>
Recently Distracted By: Google.... when I really should be working.
I was in the office yesterday working on content when I got distracted by this game on the google home page - and then you couldn't pause it and thus I had to keep playing until I was out...
And I'm still not really sure why it's crickets vs snails.... does that mean anything? Okay maybe it does... Jesse just highlighted that it's crickets playing cricket.... durrrrrrrr.

Recent Arrivals: Remember the travel pillow from last week? Well, it arrived and Jesse has given it a big thumbs up.
I'm actually quite surprised and I think it might actually work...
Stay tuned for a review.... in 97ish days 😜 We have an overnight flight to Hawaii so here's hoping!
If all else fails, I guess we can use it as a hat..

Recent Laughs: Playing with Facebook filters - not to Jesse's amusement.
He was half trying to have a nap but I was having none of that. I'm too hyper to nap.
Recent Puppyness: Trixie has been sleeping in our bed both during the day and at night and lately she's taken to laying on Jesse's legs and watching him really creepily like this whilst we watch tv.
Why? Because she's hopeful that he might decide to throw her ball that she's placed on his chest and she's got to watch it like a hawk so she doesn't miss out.
Poor Jesse rarely gets snuggles with Trixie as she sees me as her cuddle person and Jesse has her ball thrower 😝
Recently Proud Of: Our church family - for putting on an incredible (and busy!) open day. It's so nice to be a part of a community where everyone pitches in to pull off something big!
Recently Celebrating With: Chocolate cake! This cake was a bit of a fail... but it was still all sorts of delicious!
Recently Unsure About: The morning weather. It's colddddddddddddd but it's also beautiful... so I've been layering up and heading out there anyway... which I'll be doing once I hit publish on this post!
Recently Reading: Kelly Rimmer's books! Be warned, bring tissues. You can get them on Amazon, Book Depository and Booktopia but I haven't been able to find them in store.
Recently Eating: This Fiesta Salad Recipe! So so good!
But tell me,
How has your week been?
What's the last book you read?
And what are you up to this weekend?
Our weekend will be pretty laid back! We'll be working on the spare room, having a games night with our friends and teaching Sunday school on Sunday once again!
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