Hello lovely! We made it to Friday again and I've got a whole week to catch you up on!
So let's jump right into it! >>

Recent Views: It might be colder in the mornings, but my walk views have been extra pretty lately! Sun rays shining through the tree tops? 😍
Recent Excitement: We're going to HAWAII!
So, we were supposed to be going back to the US this year with my family... but things changed and my parents weren't going to be coming so Jesse and I had a choice; go back to the US alone or go somewhere else.
We chose... well.. we still chose the US, only a much more fun version than Louisiana 😜
We'll be in Hawaii for three weeks in September and CAN. NOT. WAIT.
Recent Laughs: That the only way I managed to convince Jesse to go for a ridiculously long walk with me on Saturday for one reason; step day.
He wanted the badge so badly he didn't even think twice when I suggested a walk 😜
Recent Purchases: This travel pillow.... at Jesse's request.
Ummmm yeah... we'll see how that goes 😜
Recent Concern: That people think bullying is funny.
One of my clients is currently being bullied online and in public and almost every response is of the "woohoo this is hilarious" variety.
Bullying is not okay. It's not funny. It's mean and nasty and hurtful. Why do we live in a society that almost glorifies bringing other's down?
Recent Puppy Loving: This week Chanel was out of the house for the whole day as she had her teeth cleaned (which they have to put them under anaesthetic for) and miss Trixie was devastated.
She either had to be held or by my side or she'd whine and cry and howl.
But once Nelly was back, Trixie was back to her usual cheeky self. Here she is on Jesse's chair.

Recent Recipes: This week I was all about the snacking!
I shared an Easy Gluten Free Snickerdoodle Cookie Bars Recipe and a Paleo and Vegan Blueberry Smoothie Protein Balls Recipe.
Recent Plans: This weekend we're getting our geek onnnnnnnn.
We're going to the Nuclear Science Centre tomorrow for a science tour. Why? Because we had Nerdy Date on our Alphabet Date Book and we decided that was a great fit.
And also because we have no idea what they actually do at a nuclear reactor...
But tell me,
What do you have planned for the weekend?
And what's the weirdest thing you've bought lately?
But maybe keep it PG, peoples... Other weird things I've bought lately include; a toothbrush holder, a fake fall leaf garland (for a photoshoot) and sticky notes I got from eBay that I didn't realise said "finger it" on every single sticky note and now I feel like I can't use them because it feels really inappropriate.
Oh and watermelon seed butter... of which I advise not buying because it was gross... and I threw it in the bin after a single spoonful.
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