Why hello there!
It's FriYAY and we're in for a weekend of rain and misery.... just kidding... sort of... well, I'm not kidding about the rain... and I may or may not be kidding about the misery 😉
But first, I've got to catch you up on the week that was - so let's jump right into it!
Here's what's been happening in our world recently >>

Recently Looking At: Old photos! That's my Mama holding my cousin Ange as a baby.
Do you think we look alike? Or not at all? I can't tell!
Recently Enjoying: The sunshine... while it lasted 😜
Chanel is just like me and loves nothing more than sitting in the sun and warming herself up on a cold day.
Recently Questioning: Whether or not sheepskin lined shoes are a good idea.
Right now my feet are cold and I'm going to say yes, they are a good idea.
Recently Loving: Pretty autumn leaves - and crunchy piles of leaves to walk through on my morning walk. #foreverachild
Recent Gifts: Bourjois' Healthy Mix Foundation arrived at my door yesterday - along with some super cute cards!
I put it on yesterday and this morning and am lovingggg it so far! I'll be interested to see how it wears from morning til night as I have a busy day ahead of me!

Recent Fun: A work night date night with Jesse! We were lucky enough to get tickets to an advanced screening of Pirates of The Caribbean Dead Men Tell No Tales on Monday night and ohhhhhhhh goodness was it good!
It's opening in cinemas from the 25th so make sure you see it!
Captain Jack has still got it! 😍
Recently Needing: A whole lotta coffee.
If I'm not out and about at meetings or site visits or working with clients, you can almost guarantee I'm sitting at my desk with a hot cup of coffee.
Recent Purchases: This Chocmeister Chocolate Hazelnut Spread was one of my latest iHerb nut butter purchases. I'm on the fence about it. I don't know if I love it or if it's just okay. Next time I think I'll try this Birthday Cake Nut Butter.
Recent Recipes: This week I shared this delicious Healthy Apple Crumble Overnight Oats Bowl Recipe and our new favourite soup - this Creamy Ham and Potato Soup Recipe.
But tell me, how has your week been?
Do you look like your parents?
And what are you looking forward to this weekend?
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