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Friday, April 21, 2017

Recent Things: Giant Jellyfish, Chocoholics and Masks

Well hey! Friday totally snuck up on me this week as the long weekend has had me wondering what day it is all week long - and next week I may be doing the same thing as Tuesday is a public holiday as well! 

But first, let me catch you up on our week! >>

Recently Laughing At: Jesse's "pattern" on the clothes line. I'd asked him to put the washing out for me whilst I was busy doing something on Monday and he commented that he's arranged them "in a pattern". I forgot all about it until I took them off later that day and saw what he'd done. He'd organised the four sections into his tops, his pants, my tops and my pants...

And they say I am the OCD one?

Recent Cuteness: Sleepy Nelly in her bed. I don't know who first gave her that heart pillow but she loves it and will drag it to back to her bed from wherever you've put it if you move it. 

Recent Laughs: Playing with Facebook masks. Small things amuse small minds.

Jesse with the tiger mask is my fave 😝

Recently Eating: all the easter chocolate.... all the time. This was Jesse on Easter Sunday. We were on our way to church when I looked over and saw he had an Easter egg in his lap - which was promptly devoured in the two minutes it takes to get from our house to church 😝

Luckily I knew Jesse would eat his whole Easter basket in one go, so I didn't fill it with too much 😂

Recent Trixieness: This week I've realised Trixie has a "witching hour" just like little kids. All of a sudden she goes CRAZY at around 4-5pm... or just before her dinner.

Recent Happiness: Walks in the sunshine and picnics in the park! After church on Good Friday we walked across the bridge to have a picnic and it was lovely!

But as we walked across the bridge we saw HUNDREDS of giant jellyfish! 

We waited to see boats go past to work out how big they were and they had to be bigger than an adult head. SO gross!!! 

Recent Snuggles: As soon as I sit down anywhere, Trixie has to sit on my lap. It doesn't matter if I'm outside reading in the sun, inside working at my computer, on the couch or sitting somewhere else - she hears me sit and she's right there begging to jump up. 

But tell me, what can't you stop eating this week?
What's something funny your pet does?
And what has made you smile this week?


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