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Friday, April 7, 2017

Recent Things: Birthday Celebrations and Meat Overdoses

Well hey there! Somehow it's Friday again and it's already time for another Recent Things post! Wasn't I just posting this a second ago?!

Anyhow, I have lots to share with you - so let's jump right into it!
Here's what's been happening in our world recently! >> 

Recent Celebrations: Jesse's birthday! 


We continued our celebration tradition (I can't say birthday because we do this for our anniversary too) and headed to see the movies in LUX/Gold Class - because why wouldn't you want to relax in a comfy recliner and have food and drinks delivered to you on your birthday? 

On birthdays, we go all out because we don't do gifts - so Jesse ordered a burger and fries for lunch whilst we watched Beauty and the Beast - and he was in HEAVEN! 

FYI, Aussies! Hoyts Lux is 10000x better than Event Cinemas' Gold Class because your drinks and popcorn are included - and the food is better too (according to Jesse).

Speaking of birthdays, next week I have to share Jesse's birthday cake recipe with you... well... birthday cookie... ice cream... cake. It's incredible! 

Recently Hating: My hair. Because it's been so rainy lately, my hair barometer has been in FULL force. Talk about crazy frizzy hair! 

Recent Grossness: Jesse's actual birthday dinner. BLEUUUUUUUUUGH!

Can you see how big that steak is? Look at how small the LOBSTER piece is in comparison... and that was a BAKING TRAY. 


For Jesse's birthday I told him I'd buy and make him whatever he wanted for his birthday dinner - and boy did he take advantage of that. 

We went to Harris Farm Market (fancy grocery store like place) where he picked a HUGE grass fed free range yada yada yada tomahawk steak - yada yada yada because this girl doesn't understand meat talk 😜

And then because that expensive steak wasn't enough - he decided he wanted lobster too. 

Would someone like to tell me where my country boy from Louisiana went? Because now I have a husband who has caviar tastebuds 😛


Recent Mixed Feelings: So, for every holiday, we put together little gifts for our Mainly Music mums and their kiddos and I tend to organise the parent gifts as gifts are kind of my jam. 

For Easter, I was super organised and ordered everything way back in January - only on Wednesday (the day before we were due to give them out) the boxes still had not arrived... so I improvised and bought bags and hole punched cute little hearts and they were perfect and I dropped them off at church so I didn't have to walk with a huge box all the way there on Thursday....

But do you want to know what arrived at 8pm on Wednesday night?!?!?!????!!! 

The stinking boxes. 

But hey! The gifts were cute and everyone loved them and now I suppose the next gift will have to involve little jewellery boxes 😜


Recent Purchases: These random racks (to store some of my fabric backdrops for clients) from someone on Gumtree for $20 (for both!) and these super soft trackies from Cotton On. SERIOUSLY. You have never felt anything softer, haha! 

Recent Eats: Lots of meat free meals! After Jesse's meat fest he didn't want to see or eat any meat so we've been eating meat free all week and I have been LOVING it 😜 Luckily Jesse has been loving it too! 

Recent Recipes: This delicious Gluten Free S'mores Brownie Bars Recipe which you need to try ASAP! 

But tell me, how has yoFruur week been?
What's the last thing you celebrated? (big or small)
And what's the last movie you saw?


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