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Friday, April 28, 2017

Recent Things: Being a Bad Blogger

You guys, I am a bad blogger.... but I'm also a good wife and friend.

Notice how I've only shared one post this week? That's because I've been working my booty off - and all of my free time has been spent with my family and friends. Not blogging, not recipe developing - just being present.
And I think we all need to do more of that, more often. So in a way, I'm sorry for not being more organised and totally abandoning you this week - but on the other, I'm so glad I've been less present here so I could be more present with those who give me so much!

So let me tell you about the past week! >>

Recent Work Views: This week I've been here, there and everywhere - but I started the work week with a gorgeous view! I was filming all day with a client on Monday and spent the day at beautiful Bondi Beach and Watson's Bay. 

Oh Sydney, you're so pretty! 💓

Recent Socialising: On Sunday we had a barbecue, also known as extreme meat fest with our friends. 12 of us got together + kiddos to eat HUGEEEEEEE cattleman's cutlets (they were supposed to be tomahawk steaks but, alas, we weren't able to find any at Harris Farm Markets). 

Don't worry, there were salads to balance the meat out 😜

Shout out to Vincent (who I know reads my blog to drool over the dessert recipes) for letting me photograph his plate, haha!

Recently Reading: The Help (again) in the sunshine. I just love how Kathryn Stockett can take on a seamless personality - language and all. 

Recently Thankful: For Jesse! I came home from work after a longgggggggggggggg day on Monday (which I also did with an insane ear infection that I'd only gotten antibiotics for that morning before leaving) to find that Jesse had done all of our washing, dried it and folded it all - and he'd lit the vanilla candles in our bedroom so the room smelt nice. 


I was particularly impressed that he didn't light conflicting scents (one of my pet peeve's) even though we have a gazillion candles.

Recently Watching: Guardians of the Galaxy 2 in LUX (Hoyt's version of Gold Class) on ANZAC Day! The perfect way to spend a rainy day off work! 

Plus, who wouldn't want to spend their public holiday reclining and watching a movie with food and drinks delivered to you? 😜

Recently Makeup Faves: Rimmel's new Wake Me Up Range and their Insta Fix and Go 2-in-1 Primer and Setting Spray. So good! 

Recent Drama: Remember how our fridge caught on fire the other week? Well, last night I had just come home from the grocery store when I heard this REALLY loud noise and went running around the house to find what it was to find the hot water pipe in the bathroom had burst and was rapidly spewing water EVERYWHERE. 

We turned the water off and luckily it happened with 20 minutes to go until the hardware store closed so Mum could quickly get a new pipe so Jesse could fix it. 

In the half an hour it took to fix it though, I realised just how many things need water - and just how lucky we are to have running water!



We seriously have the snuggliest puppies. All they ever want to do is be close to us! 

Recent Recipes: This Easy Vegan Banana Nut Bars Recipe. Which was totally the only thing I posted this week... but if I was only going to share one post this week, I definitely made sure it was worth it!

Emily  has already made them and thought they were delicious! Woohoo! 
But tell me, how has your week been? 
And what are you thankful for this week?


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