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Friday, March 31, 2017

Recent Things Movies, Recipe Fails and Celebrity Dopplegangers

Hello lovely one! I am writing this to you in the dark because daylight savings is SOOOOOOOOOOOOO CLOSE to being over and I don't really know if I'm devastated or looking forward to it.

You see, on one hand I don't like waking up when it's dark outside - but on the other, I REALLLLLLLYYYYYYYYYYY don't like when it starts getting dark at 5pm. I feel like that makes me hate winter all the more because it's dark and my brain is all SLEEP TIME when it's actually not that late. 

But I digress! You came here to find out what we've been up to recently so let me share it with you!

Here's what's been happening in our world recently! >> 

Kmart Cheap Easter Decorations Bunny Light

Recent Purchases: Cute Easter Decorations! This Bunny Light was only $10 and perfect for our dresser. We have a heart and a Christmas tree so I've decided I need marquee lights for every holiday 😜

Morning walks on Sunny Days

Recent Joy: Blue sky days! But that didn't last long because then my walks looked like this.......

Misty Morning Walks

On Wednesday I walked in a blanket of mist. It wasn't raining hard and it wasn't sprinkling... it was just this constant misting that was more of a nuisance than anything. 

Yesterday, however, it full on bucketed down... of course at the exact time I needed to walk from home to Mainly Music. FAIL. 

Royal Essence Fairy Bread Ring Candle Review

Recent Surprises: A pretty ring inside my second Royal Essence Ring Candle

This time it was a $60 18K white gold plated ring with Swarovski Elements. Jesse totally thought it was going to be a $2000 ring as he couldn't see the ring inside the candle at first and decided that meant I was going to get the little piece of paper that says "contact us to claim your prize!".

My Celebrity Match - Giada De Laurentis My Celebrity Match - Miranda Kerr

Recent Fun: Playing with the celebrity match website. Apparently my top matches were Miranda Kerr and Giada De Laurentis? Ummmmmmmm, I'll totally take it but I don't think so! 

Pizza Cone Fail

Recent Experiments: Pizza cones. Let's put that one on the "don't try again" list. 

Jesse saw this video on Facebook where they made pizza cones and decided we HAD to try it - so we did on Saturday night and yeah... they weren't great. 

Pizza dough just doesn't taste that great dry and on it's on... and they totally fell apart and made a mess and browned too quickly and yadayada. 

Scary Movie Night

Recently Netflixing: Scary movies. Though we are kind of weird because I am never scared by scary movies and Jesse is the one who gets scared.

We watched The Conjuring and Jesse was all "I'm going to have nightmares tonight" and I was like meh. 

Scary movies just don't do it for me. I know they're fake so I don't react - but movies with heaps of suspense and real life scary drama? That totally puts me on edge. 

The Boss Baby Movie Review

Recent Saturdates: Last Saturday we headed to the movies to see The Boss Baby! The weather was pretty woeful outside and we didn't feel like venturing out in it - so a morning movie date was perfect - and it was a pretty good movie too! 

The Best Paleo Carrot Cake Recipe Four Ingredient Paleo Vegan Crackers

But tell me, what celebrity do you look like? 
Here's the site - or who do others think you look like?
Are you a scary movie fan? Any recomendations?
And what was the last thing you bought?


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