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Thursday, March 2, 2017

Recipe: Savoury Ham and Cheese Cornbread Muffins

Healthy Ham and Cheese Savory Cornbread Muffins Recipe - healthy, gluten free, low fat, easy, meal prep, clean eating recipe, breakfast, lunch, dinner, breads

Cornbread was the first "Southern" recipe I ever tried making. 

Jesse was in Sydney on his second trip to Australia and this time he was here for Christmas. Since it was his first time celebrating Christmas in Australia and our first Christmas together in the same place, I desperately wanted to make some of his family's traditional Christmas foods to really blend our traditions together. 

One of those recipes? Southern style dressing. 

Made with cornbread and herbs and veggies, it was a dish completely foreign to me and I had no idea what I was doing. 

Luckily the recipe had room for error because the first batch of cornbread I made was flat and dry - but since it was going to be cut into cubes and used in the dressing, it did the job.

Healthy Ham and Cheese Savory Cornbread Muffins Recipe - healthy, gluten free, low fat, easy, meal prep, clean eating recipe, breakfast, lunch, dinner, breads, side dishes

From then on, I was determined to perfect cornbread and got to work on making batch after batch after batch. 

Once I perfected my basic recipe, however, the obsession didn't end there. In fact, I became totally hooked on cornbread and began trying to incorporate it into everything possible. 

Healthy Ham and Cheese Savory Cornbread Muffins Recipe - healthy, gluten free, low fat, easy, meal prep, clean eating recipe, breakfast, lunch, dinner, breads, southern style

These ham and cheese cornbread muffins were one of those recipes. The perfect snack or lunch option, they're quick and easy to make and a great way to use up leftover ham. 

Eat them hot or cold, on their own as a snack or tucked away in a lunch box for morning tea. You can even mix through some corn or chopped veggies for something different! 

So let me share the recipe with you! >>

Healthy Ham and Cheese Savory Cornbread Muffins Recipe - healthy, gluten free, low fat, easy, meal prep, clean eating recipe, breakfast, lunch, dinner, breads, kid friendly

Savoury Ham and Cheese Cornbread Muffins Recipe
makes 6 muffins that are gluten free, nut free, soy free, 
kid friendly, sugar free and a clean eating recipe

1/3 cup (45g) polenta
2/3 cup (80g) gluten free plain flour 
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1 egg 
3/4 cup milk of your choice (almond/skim/full fat etc)
1/4 cup grated cheese 
1/4 cup ham 
Pinch of salt 
  • Preheat over to 180C/355F
  • Grease or line a muffin tin and set aside.
  • Combine your polenta, plain flour, baking powder and baking soda in a medium mixing bowl. 
  • Add in your egg, milk, cheese, ham and salt and stir until combined.
  • Spoon your mixture into your prepared muffin tin and bake for ~15-25 minutes or until cooked through and golden on top.
  • Allow to cool slightly before serving - or cool completely before storing. These muffins will keep in an airtight container in the fridge for 2-3 days.

But tell me, do you have a friend/family member/partner who's introduced you to foods from different cultures/regions? 
What's your favourite? 
I'm really lucky to have friends from all over the world and I love learning about their favourite foods from their hometowns and childhoods!


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