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Monday, March 6, 2017

Recipe: Ham, Cheese and Asparagus Frittata

Healthy Ham and Asparagus Frittata Recipe – healthy, gluten free, grain free, low fat, low carb, clean eating recipe, spring easter brunch menu

The weather in Sydney lately has been all sorts of gross. 

Our pool is bright green from too much rain, the grass has that squidgy water logged feel, our puppies have crazy curly fur from going outside in the rain and my vitamin D stores are probably sitting at 0. 

Oh and don't even get me started on the size of my laundry pile.... 

Healthy Ham and Asparagus Frittata Recipe – healthy, gluten free, grain free, low fat, low carb, clean eating recipe, spring easter brunch menus

When we have days like this, I always crave warm and comforting lunches - and frittatas are one of my favourite easy make ahead recipes to eat during the week. 

Busily working away during the day, the last thing I need is to waste time making a complicated lunch so having this frittata in the fridge means that all I have to do is heat, eat and get back to work. 

Healthy Ham and Asparagus Frittata Recipe – healthy, gluten free, grain free, low fat, low carb, clean eating recipe, spring easter brunch menu

Originally I only ever made this recipe in the springtime when I had fresh asparagus - but I recently experimented with using canned asparagus and it has been my go to lunch for the last few weeks because it is SO good. 

So whether you're in rainy Sydney like me - or heading into a Northern Hemisphere Spring, this is a delicious breakfast, brunch or lunch recipe that looks and taste impressive but takes just seconds to make. 

So let me share the recipe with you! >> 

Healthy Ham and Asparagus Frittata Recipe – healthy, gluten free, grain free, low fat, low carb, clean eating recipe, spring easter brunch menus

Ham and Cheese Asparagus Frittata Recipe
makes 4 servings, easily multiplied
low fat, gluten free, grain free, low carb, sugar free,
clean eating recipe, high protein, healthy

6 eggs 
1/2 cup (120g) plain greek yogurt 
1/2 cup (100g) chopped ham 
1/2 cup (50g) shredded cheese 
1 cup (125) asparagus (fresh or canned*) 
1/2 tsp garlic salt or plain salt 
Pepper, to taste
  • Preheat your oven to 180C/355F
  • Line a pie dish, casserole dish or 8" cake tin with baking paper and set aside.
  • Mix all of your ingredients in a medium size mixing bowl until combined.
  • Pour your frittata mixture into your prepared pan and bake for 30-40 minutes - or until cooked though and golden on top. 
  • Slice and serve immediately or leave to cool and store in the fridge to eat later.
  • This frittata will keep for 2-3 days stored in the fridge and can also be frozen to defrost and eat later.

*I used to only ever make this with fresh asparagus, however, I recently started making it with canned asparagus and LOVE it so you can make it either way. Jesse prefers the fresh as it has more texture, however, I love the flavour the canned asparagus gives. If you don't like asparagus, feel free to switch it out with a cup of any other vegetable.

But tell me, what's your go-to lunch at the moment? 


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