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Monday, March 20, 2017

Recipe: Easy Baked Corn Fritter Slice

Easy Oven Baked Corn Fritter Slice Recipe - low fat, gluten free, healthy, kid friendly, clean eating recipe, vegetarian, side dishes, lunch, dinner, nut free, high protein recipe

I love to cook. 

I love creating recipes, sharing meals, eating delicious food, experimenting with ingredients - but, you know, sometimes I'm just plain lazy. 

Sometimes I want a recipe that can be mixed in five minutes and left to do it's own thing. 
Sometimes I don't feel like standing and watching things on the stove.
Sometimes I just want a recipe that only uses utensils and bowls and equipment that can be thrown in to the dishwasher.

And sometimes? Well, sometimes I REALLY want corn fritters but I don't even want to entertain the idea of flipping them. 

And that, my friends, is the exact situation I was in when I created this recipe. Why flip fritters when you can pour the batter into a baking dish and bake them instead?

Oven Baked Corn Fritter Slice Recipe - low fat, gluten free, healthy, kid friendly, clean eating recipe, vegetarian, side dishes, lunch, dinner, nut free, high protein

This has all the flavour of corn fritters - without all the hassle and mess - and it's become one of our favourite make ahead lunch options for busy weeks. 

Serve it up with a salad, smother it in guacamole or salsa or even eat it sandwich style with different fillings in between. There's so many different ways you can enjoy them. 

Easy Oven Baked Corn Fritter Slice Recipe - low fat, gluten free, healthy, kid friendly, clean eating recipe, vegetarian, side dishes, lunch, dinner, nut free, high protein

We also switch up the ingredients inside. Use different cheese or add more for a cheesier slice, add in some chopped jalapenos or different seasonings for a spicy mexican inspired version - it's an easy recipe to make your own. 

But before you can think about switching things up - you need the recipe!
So let me share the recipe with you! >> 

Simple Oven Baked Corn Fritter Slice Recipe - low fat, gluten free, healthy, kid friendly, clean eating recipe, vegetarian, side dishes, lunch, dinner, nut free, high protein

Easy Baked Corn Fritter Slice Recipe
serves 2-4, easily multiplied 
gluten free, low fat, high protein, clean eating recipe, sugar free

1 cup corn kernels (fresh, frozen or canned)
2 eggs 
1/2 cup milk 
1/2 tsp garlic salt 
1/3 cup (40g) gluten free plain flour 
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/4 cup grated cheese 
Optional: chopped jalapenos, different seasonings, more cheese, other vegetables - feel free to make it your own! 
  • Preheat your oven to 180C/355F.
  • Grease a pie dish or round baking tin and set aside. If you find food tends to stick to your baking dish, consider lining it with baking paper.
  • Combine your corn, eggs, milk and salt in a medium sized mixing bowl.
  • Add your flour, baking powder and cheese and stir until combined. 
  • Pour your mixture into your prepared dish and bake for ~20 minutes or until set, cooked through and lightly golden on top.
  • Allow to cool slightly before slicing and serving. 
  • This slice will keep in the fridge in an airtight container for 2-3 days and can also be frozen and reheated to eat later.
But tell me, are you a lazy cook at times too? 
What's your go to recipe or meal when you're feeling lazy? 
Whenever I'm feeling lazy, we tend to have pasta for dinner because I don't really have to think about it 😜


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