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Thursday, March 16, 2017

Recipe: Easy Raw Carrot Cake Slice

Simple Raw Carrot Cake Slice Recipe - gluten free, vegan, sugar free, clean eating recipe, soy free, egg free, dairy free, no bake

I was a really weird kid. 

Most kids will happily devour a slice of cake, but me? Nope, I hated cake... unless it was a carrot cake. 

For years I had ice cream cakes for my birthday (which is in WINTER, might I add) because it was the only cake-looking thing I would eat that other kids would also eat. 

That was because the only cakes I did like, other kids turned their noses up at.... like carrot cake. 

Raw Carrot Cake Slice Recipe - gluten free, vegan, sugar free, clean eating recipe, soy free, egg free, dairy free, no bake

I feel like carrot cake is ridiculously underappreciated.

Sure, it's got a vegetable in it - but vegetables don't really count when sugar is involved, right? 

I'm hoping that this "cake" won't be underappreciated because it's all sorts of delicious. Inspired by my all time favourite cake, this raw slice tastes just like a big ol' hunk of carrot cake - only it's vegan and refined sugar free and doesn't require any baking. 

Easy  Raw Carrot Cake Slice Recipe - gluten free, vegan, sugar free, clean eating recipe, soy free, egg free, dairy free, no bake

Of course it doesn't have the same texture as carrot cake (because it's not actually a cake...) but all the flavour is there - and the creamy cashew based topping tastes like a decadent cream cheese creation. 

Whilst carrot cake traditionally isn't healthy, this version is - but I promise you'll never know. 

So let me share the recipe with you! >> 

Easy No Bake Carrot Cake Slice Recipe - gluten free, vegan, sugar free, clean eating recipe, soy free, egg free, dairy free, raw cake

Healthy Raw Carrot Cake Slice Recipe
makes 16 squares that are gluten free, grain free, paleo, 
sugar free, clean eating friendly, vegan, egg free, dairy free

For the Base:
3/4 cup dates (fresh or dried*)
1 small carrot, peeled and chopped into chunks 
1/2 cup (60g) raw walnuts
1/2 cup (60g) raw cashews 
1/3 cup (25g) shredded coconut 
1/2 tsp cinnamon 
2 tbsp (15g) coconut flour 

For the Topping: 
2/3 cup (80g) raw cashews, soaked for 2-3 hours in cold water
2 tbsp (30g) coconut oil 
2 tbsp maple syrup 
1 tsp vanilla extract 
Pinch of salt 
  • Line a loaf tin with baking paper and set aside.
  • Add your dates to your food processor and process until chopped. 
  • Add your carrot and process until your carrot is chopped and no big chunks remain. 
  • Add your walnuts, cashews, coconut and cinnamon and process until combined and no large chunks remain, scraping down the edges a few times inbetween to ensure everything is incorporated. 
  • Add your coconut flour, pulsing until combined.
  • Pour your base mixture into your prepared tin, pressing it down with wet fingertips or another piece of baking paper. You want to ensure you have an even layer and that all edges are covered. 
  • Drain your cashews and add them to your clean food processor bowl and process until finely chopped.
  • Add your coconut oil, maple syrup, vanilla and salt and process until smooth.
  • Pour your topping mixture over the top of your base. 
  • Chill in the fridge or freezer until set. Putting your slice in the freezer will make it easier to cut clean slices. 
  • Enjoy immediately or store in the fridge or freezer to enjoy later.
  • This slice needs to be kept cold or it will loose it's shape and texture and can be eaten straight from the fridge or from the freezer after a minute or so (it won't set completely solid) and will keep for ~1 week in the fridge or longer if frozen.
*If using dried dates, it will take a little longer for everything to process together - but they will come together! 

The best loaf tins to use in this recipe - click to see more
I always use a deep loaf tin when baking or cooking to get thicker, taller slices!

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But tell me, were you a typical kid or did you have weird food preferences like me? 
And, are you a carrot cake fan? 


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