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Thursday, March 30, 2017

Recipe: 4 Ingredient Homemade Paleo Seeded Crackers (Vegan)

Easy Homemade Paleo Crackers Recipe - gluten free, vegan, grain free, low carb, dairy free, egg free, clean eating recipe, nut free, high fiber

Homemade crackers. There one of those things that a few years ago, I would have told you they'd take WAY too much time and WAY too much effort - but now? 

Now I'm addicted to making them. 

Easy Homemade Paleo Crackers Recipe - gluten free, vegan, grain free, low carb, dairy free, egg free, clean eating recipe, nut free, high fiber

These crackers are stupidly simple to make. All you've got to do is throw all of your ingredients in a bowl, add some water, mix it all up and spread it out onto a tray. Throw them in the oven and before you know it, you'll have a whole batch of crackers ready to devour. 

And I promise you, homemade crackers taste a trillion times better than storebought ones.

Easy Homemade Paleo Crackers Recipe - gluten free, vegan, grain free, low carb, dairy free, egg free, clean eating recipe, nut free, high fiber

In fact, these crackers should probably come with a warning - because they WILL disappear before your eyes. 

You'll think you can stop at just a few - but the salty crunchy goodness will have you coming back for more. 😜

If you do want to share them, however, you're in luck! These crackers are gluten free, grain free, egg free and dairy free - meaning they're perfect for sharing! 

So let me share the recipe with you! >> 

Easy Homemade Paleo Crackers Recipe - gluten free, vegan, grain free, low carb, dairy free, egg free, clean eating recipe, nut free, high fibre

Easy Homemade Paleo Vegan Crackers
gluten free, sugar free, dairy free, grain free, paleo, egg free,
dairy free, healthy, FODMAP friendly, clean eating recipe
makes 1 small batch (easily multiplied) of about 3 cups of crackers 

1/2 cup (50g) almond meal (or ground sunflower seeds for nut free) 
1/2 cup (45g) ground flaxseed 
2 tbsp (15g) coconut flour  
1 tbsp (5g) psyllium husk 
1/2 tsp salt 
1/2 cup warm water 
  • Preheat your oven to 180C/355F. 
  • Line a baking sheet with baking paper and set aside. 
  • In a medium mixing bowl, combine your almond meal, flaxseed, coconut flour, psyllium and salt. 
  • Add your water and stir until combined. 
  • Place your mixture onto your prepared baking tray and flatten either with your fingertips or with a rolling pin (putting a sheet of baking paper down first will stop it from sticking). 
  • Roll your cracker dough out as thinly as possible, ensuring there aren't any big cracks by squishing the dough back together.
  • Slice your dough into pieces with a sharp knife (leave them together - you'll break them apart later). 
  • Bake your crackers for 20-40 minutes or until crunchy and lightly golden. I usually flip mine at around 15 minutes by placing another sheet of baking paper on top and using a plate or chopping board to flip them over. 
  • Keep an eye on your crackers and take them out as soon as they're crunchy!
  • Allow your crackers to cool before breaking them into pieces and serving!
  • These crackers will keep in an airtight container at room temperature for 2-3 days, however, they're best eaten fresh as they will soften up!
Feel free to add whatever seasonings you like! I have been loving turning these into an Italian inspired treat by adding lots of dried herbs and a bit of nutritional yeast! 

But tell me, what's one food/recipe you thought was way too hard to make at first - but now love?! 
And what's your favourite savoury snack?


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