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Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Easy DIY Carrot Bubble Wands for Easter

Easy DIY Carrot Bubble Wands - Cheap Easter Gift Ideas and Crafts for Kids

Easter is fast approaching. I've been making and testing Healthy Carrot Cake Recipes like it's my job (which it should be... because that sounds like a delicious job). 

A few years ago, around this time,  I was nannying and you would have found me madly rushing through Kmart and craft stores for different craft projects to fill in some time during the day with the kids I nannied. 

Whilst I'm not nannying anymore, I love coming up with different projects - and this is one I thought I'd share with you for Easter. These "Carrot" Bubble Wands are a super cute gift idea or party favour - and they are so cheap and easy to make. We made ours for around $1 each - and making them only took a few minutes! 

So let me show you how to make them! >> 

What You'll Need to Make Easy DIY Carrot Bubble Wands - Cheap Easter Gift Ideas and Crafts for Kids

What You'll Need: 
  • Orange Bubble Wands - we bought ours from Kmart for $0.75 each.
  • Green Felt (you could also use green paper) - available at craft stores
  • Scissors 
  • A permanent Marker
  • Optional: Ribbon to tie around your carrots
  • Needle and thread or small safety pins 
How to Make Easy DIY Carrot Bubble Wands - Cheap Easter Gift Ideas and Crafts for Kids

First, draw "carrot" lines on your bubble wand with your permanent marker. This is optional, however, it makes it a little more obvious as to what it is at the end 😜🥕

How to Make Felt Grass for Your Easy DIY Carrot Bubble Wands - Cheap Easter Gift Ideas and Crafts for Kids

Next you want to cut out your "grass"/"carrot tops".

I didn't use a pattern for this - simply cutting my A4 sheet of felt in half and then chopping triangles to make the right shape.

Next you've got to attach your carrot tops!

You can either secure them with a few stitches with needle and thread - or with a small safety pin. We also tried hot glue, however, that was a litle bit fiddly. 

Step Four Easy DIY Carrot Bubble Wands - Cheap Easter Gift Ideas and Crafts for Kids

All you have left to do is tie your bow and you're good to go! 

- - - 

To style them, pop them all in a pretty basket - or display them in a pot. Instead of using actual dirt, you could pop these into a pot with some florist's block and cover the top with brown fabric. Or shredded green paper "grass". 

But tell me, are you a craft fan? What was your last craft project? 
And what's your favourite holiday? 
I'm a Christmas girl - but Easter comes in at a very close second! 


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