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Friday, February 3, 2017

Recent Things: Why I Can't Be a Monkey + Recent Faves

Well heyyyy! It's Friday again and even though it's a bit dark and gloomy today, I can't wait for a weekend of relaxing!

This week quite a lot has happened and the week has flown by at a ridiculous rate - but luckily that means I have lots to share with you!

So here's what's been happening in our world recently! >> 


Recent Discoveries: That there are all these random Aladdin sequels I don't think I've ever seen! Or maybe I have but they were so bad I can't even remember watching them, haha! 

Recent Want: A glitter phone case. Particulary a Unicorn glitter phone case. Do yourself a favour and look at the home page to watch the glitter case gif. I tried to save it and share it here but it didn't work. Womp womp. 

I feel like that's the kind of glitter Jesse could get behind.. you know, because it's contained and won't stick to his fingers 😜

Denim Dress Outfit

Recent Purchases: This denim dress which I loveeeee - and a new pair of ankle boots for Autumn!

Apparently lots of you loved this dress too because I got SO many messages on Instagram - and luckily for you I found a bunch of places that have similar dresses 😉

Click to see more

Chinese New Year Rooster in the QVB

Recent Plans: Tomorrow we're heading out to see a lion dance in celebration of Chinese New Year! Jesse has never seen one before so I'm skipping Zumba so we can go! And here's the random rooster inside the QVB that I snapped a picture of on my way back from a meeting.

Why a Rooster? Because it's the Year of the Rooster, of course! And if you have no idea what I'm talking about - or no idea what your Chinese zodiac is, you're in luck! I found this post; The Year of the Rooster and What It Means For You .... though I'm not sure how much I agree with Chinese zodiac signs... 

I'm a Monkey but it has to be wrong because apparently my "unlucky" colour is pink.... and that's my most favourite colour in the world! 😜

Recent Saturdates: Puzzle dates! I got a new puzzle roll so we spent our Saturday afternoon working on a puzzle.

Working at the Car Wash

Recent Activities: Car washing! Yup, oh what adventurous lives we live! 

Jesse and I washed the truck and my Mum's car after church on Sunday and they are nice and sparkly! Why did I think washing cars takes so long? I feel like my Dad complains about it but it took us all of ten minutes..

Barney Butter Vanilla Bean and Espresso Almond Butter

Recent Food Favourites: This Barney Butter Vanilla Bean and Espresso Almond Butter. OBSESSED, my friends. That jar isn't going to last any longer than a week.

Recent Posts: This week I got my craft on and shared a super simple DIY Canvas Light Box Project which would make for an awesome personalised gift (Jesse and I are going to do one with K 💓 J for our room).


But tell me!
How has your week been? 
What's your Chinese zodiac? (find it here.. if you didn't see that link above :P)
And what are your weekend plans?


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