Well hey there, lovely ones!
I am writing this post to you very quickly before rushing off to get the bloodwork done I mentioned last week. A big huge THANK YOU to all of you who have been praying for me. You make my heart SO happy and I am beyond thankful for you.
But nevertheless, I have lots to share with you and little time to do it - so let's jump into it!
Here's what's been happening in our world recently! >>
Recent Frustration: Super slowwwwwwwwwwwwwww internet at home. To the point where I've used 130% of my phone data because my phone kept switching to data instead of wifi. Womp womp.
Recent Want: This sweatshirt. For winter.
Recent Laughs: Telling Jesse all the potential names for our future pig. Our plan B in life is to move to the country and raise a pig (because why not?) and I decided it should have a punny name.
Jesse said Amy Swinehouse was a no so the above were my alternatives.
Recent Addiction: Disney emoji blitz.... no shame.
I randomly downloaded it for some reason a few weeks ago - but then they sent a notification saying they had a limited time Valentine's Day challenge where you had to beat all the levels and then you got Marie from the Aristocats... and boyyyyy was the challenge on.
It was totally frustrating, but I won.
Recent Dinners: Homemade hamburgers on gluten free bagels... because somehow the gluten free bagels are softer than all the gluten free buns I could find. That was our Friday fakeaway dinner.
Recent Treats Gone Wrong: My Monday massage. Please note that I don't have massages every Monday... or even every month. This was a gift voucher from Christmas that I used.
But oh my word.... never again am I going back to that place.
I've had Thai massages before... and sometimes they're a little bit firmer than other massages... and sometimes they walk on you... but holy guacamole that massage was not relaxing at all... save for the 2 minutes she used hot stones. She walked on me and it was the kind of massage where you're like "um... not so hard" and they're like "okay.... -ten times harder-".
Then I text my friend Kristy to warn her only to find out that once again we had the same idea at the same time because she'd also had a painful massage just 5 minutes away. So now I suppose Kristy and I are on a mission to find the best massage place in Sydney that's perfect for 2 Kristy's.
Recent Confusion: I don't know whether this statue is creepy... evil... or just plain weird. "I love you so much I could squish you"?
I feel like it would be better if the statue wasn't holding a baby.
Recent Laughs: On Tuesday I went for a walk and got stuck in a torrential downpour. I came home SOAKING wet... to the point where I had to knock on the front door and ask my Mum to bring a towel because I was dripping.
But despite the drowned rat look, it was actually so much fun.
And before someone asks why my Mum was sitting at home whilst I was out there soaking wet - it was raining so hard that my best choice was to just high tail it home vs standing in the rain waiting for her to come and drive (through the one-way park which I was at the very end of) and pick me up.

Recent Joy: You guys making my recipes and sending me photos!! Megan made my Healthy Caramel Apple Muffins Recipe and Meena made my 3 Ingredient Flourless Nutella Brownies Recipe and tagged all her friends in the post on our Facebook page. SO awesome!
Recent Happy Mail: A postcard from my girl, Megan! Such a lovely surprise! 💓
Recent Addiction: Coles' home brand chocolate covered ice creams. SO much cheaper than magnums AND they're gluten free (well, some flavours are). The coffee ones are our all time favourites.
Recent Posts: This week on the blog I shared the ULTIMATE 3 Ingredient Flourless Nutella Brownies Recipe as well as this Healthy Spinach Artichoke Quinoa Casserole Recipe anddd things got a little bit random on Wednesday with my Random Ramblings Post - complete with my silly cartoons!
But tell me, if money wasn't an issue right now - what would you treat yourself to?
What would you call a pet pig?
And what's your current foodie fave?
And what's your current foodie fave?
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