You guysssss, we made it through the week! Woohoo!
This week has been all sorts of crazy. The type of week where I get to 8pm at night, lay down in my bed and my body just melts into a puddle because I've been on the go all day. But really, is there any better feeling than hopping into a cozy bed after a long day?
But we're not going to bed right now - I have a whole week's worth of stuff to share with you!
Here's what's been happening in our world this week! >>
Recently Loving: ALL THE BOOKS - and friends who "get" my book worminess and send me funny memes and e-cards.
I mean, does anyone actually stop reading when they only have five chapters left.... or ten.... or you know... any...

Recent Finds: Chubby bunny toys.... which were unsurprisingly reduced to clear because no one wanted the poor weirdly circular bunny....
Recent Laughs: Jesse's face when we saw this giant chocolate bunny at Woolworths.
I just about had to drag him out of the store because I wouldn't let him by it.
Recent Happiness: Getting the tick of approval on my Spinach and Artichoke Quinoa Casserole Recipe from Southern In Law's number one recipe tester 😉 Also known as Claire.
Recent Success: Finishing this puzzle. We did a whole lotta nada last weekend because we knew the week ahead would be busy and thus we did some puzzling, walking and plenty of reading.
Recent Happiness: A whole week of walking weather! Thoughhh, it has been a little cooler so I did have to put on a jacket before I headed out a few mornings this week! Eep!
Recent Excitement: Seeing Christy Nockel's first podcast for 2017 pop up in my feed! Glorious in the Mundane is my ALL TIME FAVOURITE podcast... nothing beats it!
Recent Recipes: This week on the blog I shared this Healthy Vegan Baked Rice Pudding Recipe as well as this Cheesy Zucchini Quinoa Fritters Recipe that we are totally obsessed with!
But tell me, how has your week been?
What's one success (small or big) from your week?
And what do you have planned for the weekend?
Our weekend was supposed to be jam packed but a few plans on Sunday evening changed and now we have Sunday night freeeee! We're heading to Compassion's Roadshow Concert on Saturday night which I'm really looking forward to as well as a bunch of other exciting things scattered throughout the weekend.
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