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Monday, February 20, 2017

Recipe: Cheesy Quinoa Zucchini Fritters

Healthy Quinoa Zucchini Fritters Recipe – healthy, gluten free, veggies, low fat, burger recipe, clean eating recipes, freezer, meal prep, vegetarian, meat free, meatless, grain free

Do you ever find your schedule jam packed all of a sudden? 

I feel like mine is a cycle of feast or a famine. Whilst my week days are always busy, my evenings are usually free - usually being the operative word here.

This week, however? I have something booked in day and night for the whole week. 

Healthy Quinoa Zucchini Fritters Recipe – healthy, gluten free, veggies, low fat, burger recipe, clean eating recipes, freezer, meal prep, vegetarian, meat free, meatless, grain free

For me, busy weeks like this call for extra planning and preparation. 

When you're a coeliac with a bunch of other allergies, you can't just order takeaway to pick up on your way home - or order off a menu somewhere. You've got to be prepared.

These busy weeks call for food prep and forward planning and this is one of my favourite make ahead recipes at the moment.

Healthy Quinoa Zucchini Fritters Recipe – healthy, gluten free, veggies, low fat, burger recipe, clean eating recipes, freezer, meal prep, vegetarian, meat free, meatless, grain free

Perfect for eating on the go and delicious both hot and cold - these fritters are even a favourite of my zucchini sceptic of a husband.... though it did take a little convincing to get him to try them. 

So look past the green and the ugly and give these babies a try - I promise you won't regret it! 

So let me share the recipe with you! >> 

Healthy Quinoa Zucchini Fritters Recipe – healthy, gluten free, veggies, low fat, burger recipe, clean eating recipes, freezer, meal prep, vegetarian, meat free, meatless, grain free

Cheesy Quinoa Zucchini Fritters Recipe
makes ~15 fritters
gluten free, nut free, grain free, clean eating recipe, low fat,
high protein, meat free/vegetarian, freezer friendly 
serves 2-3 

1 cup (90g) raw quinoa, cooked according to package directions and cooled
2 medium zucchini, grated 
1/2 cup (50g) grated cheese (we use a mix of parmesan and tasty/cheddar cheese)
1 egg 
2-3 tbsp fresh basil and parsley, finely chopped 
  • Preheat your oven to 180C/355F
  • Line 2-3 baking sheets with baking paper and set aside.
  • Mix all of your ingredients together in a medium sized mixing bowl, mixing until combined. 
  • If you mix seems too liquidy, add a tablespoon or so of extra coconut flour. 
  • Scoop your fritter mixture onto your prepared baking sheets, forming into a fritter/burger shape. 
  • Bake for 20-30 minutes, carefully flipping your fritters after 20 minutes or once they are firm and golden on top.
  • Once your friiters are crisp and golden, remove from the oven and serve immediately or allow to cool before storing in an airtight container in the fridge for for 2-3 days.
But tell me, is this week a feast or famine week for you?
What's your favourite make-ahead meal?
And do you find everything always seems to happen in the same week/weekend?


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