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Friday, January 6, 2017

Recent Things: Siri Fails, Post Christmas Depression and Celebrations!

Why hello there! Does something look different to you? 

If you've realised the difference, you can thank Jesse. You see, he's been bugging me for goodness knows how long to change our Recent Things title picture because it was a photo from our engagement photoshoot and we've now been married for three years and that was five years ago 😜

So here you have it, friends! We've got an updated header image. Now don't even get me started on the other things I need to change... the blog header... the layout.... the pages... probably the "logo" too... my head hurts just thinking about it. 

But first, let me catch you up on what's been happening in our world recently! >> 

Seafood Feast to Celebrate Jesse's Permanent Residency

Recent Celebrations: Celebrating Jesse's official permanent residency! Previously he had temporary permanent residency (which didn't expire for like 30 years so I don't know how that works but hey!) but he is now officially a permanent resident of Australia.

We celebrated last night with champagne, lobster mornay and a seafood feast! 

Pretty Chanel Paige After a Bath

Recent Freedom: Chanel is FREEEEEEEEEE from the cone and beautifully clean. 

Her wound from the surgery is healing well, her hair is growing back and she is so happy! 

Dog Sitting on Couch Like a Human

Recent Trixieness: And we can't forget Miss Trixie so here's a peek at her antics from the week! Little miss has decided she likes to sit on the couch like a human and this is how you'll find her most nights when Mum and Dad are watching TV 😜

When Do You Take Down Christmas Decorations

Recent Sadness: Taking down the Christmas decorations! 🙁

How is Christmas over for another year?! We took down our Christmas decorations yesterday and on Instagram I asked when you take your Christmas decorations down. Whilst waiting in the doctors office yesterday they were talking about how you're "supposed" to take them down on the 6th of January and that got me thinking about what everyone else does! 

I would happily keep mine up all year long, however, usually we take ours down in early to mid January before we head back to work - and we take the lights down whenever there's a free weekend or day where it's not too hot! 

When do you take yours down? 

Oh and the labeller is because someone is currently label obsessed (again - I used to be label obsessed when I was like 10 and got my own label maker... hello OCD gift... and now that I have a new fancypants labeller I am obsessed again). 

I Fell for Caramel Coconut Milk Ice Cream Australia

Recent Obsession: Coconut Milk Ice Cream... particularly Over the Moo.

I'm pretty sure I included Over the Moo last week as well... but this week I tried their I Fell for Caramel Flavour and holyyyyyyyyyy guacamole it was good. 

I am slowly working my way through every flavour... and the cashiers at our local Woolworths are probably noticing there's at least one tub in my trolley every time I check out 😉

When Siri Can't Understand Your Accent

Recent Laughter: We were crying of laughter the other night when Siri couldn't understand Jesse's accent as he tried searching for shows on Netflix on Apple TV. 

He was saying "Taken By Light" and instead he got; 
  • Take your butt hey mate 
  • Tegan buy night
  • Taken by night
  • Take a bow wow eight 
  • Pig in boileau (?)
  • Take and buy might
And a bunch of other hilarious titles that weren't what he was hoping for 😂

My Husband the Bike Repair Man

Recent Realisation: My husband can pretty much fix anything in the whole world. Our bikes have been sitting outside in the weather for like two years and one of the wheels was flat. I looked at it and though eh, I'll guess we'll just have to hire bikes if we ever decide to go for a bike ride.

Jesse looked at it and said "I need you to look up where we can buy 26" bike tubes" and I'm like "bike tires... okay" and he's like "no, tubes". 

Bike illiterate me is sitting over here like "doesn't he realise I'm already googling 26" bike tires" and he's like "does she really not realise that they're two separate things?". The answer would be no, dear.

One quick lesson in bike mechanics later, I learnt that there's a tube inside the outer tire bit and we headed off to buy a new one. $15 later and we had a new tire and tube (because Jesse decided $10 for a tire was too good of an offer to pass up as one of his tires wasn't that great) and then next thing I knew, Jesse had the bike resting on one wheel whilst he took off the wheel and put the new bits and pieces on. 

Within half an hour we were off on a bike ride and I was still wondering what on earth had just gone on 😜

Oh and then I realised I nearly killed my poor husband as it was 38 degrees C (100F) and he came inside looking pale and ready to faint. But it's okay, I made him go and sit in the swimming pool and he was fine 😜

So in short, lessons learnt; 
  • My husband could always work as a bike mechanic if he ever needs a job
  • I really need to learn more about stuff (as in, objects) 
  • You really shouldn't go for a bike ride when it's ridiculously hot - especially not if said bike ride involves hills 
  • Hills are probably the reason we haven't ridden our bikes in two years.

Beautiful Frangipani Flowers in our Backyard

Recent Favourites: Frangipanis and summer flowers. Especially the sweet smell of the murraya flowers on our hedges. They're sweet and summery and I can't get enough! 
Easy Healthy Chicken Pot Pie Pasta Recipe - spaghetti, gluten free, low fat, high protein, healthy, clean eating recipe, nut free, egg free, kid friendly dinner recipes Easy Vegan Coconut Cashew Cookie Dough Bites Recipe - raw, vegan, gluten free, sugar free, healthy, paleo, grain free, energy bites, clean eating recipe

Recent Posts: This week's recipes on the blog were my Healthy Chicken Pot Pie Pasta Recipe and this super easy Vegan Coconut Cashew Energy Bites Recipe.

Free Weekly Meal Plan Template and To Do List Printables

And I also shared some Free Printable Meal Plan and To Do List Templates to help you start your year right! 

But tell me, how has your week been? 
What's one lesson this week has taught you? 
And when's the last time you really laughed? 


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