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Friday, January 27, 2017

Recent Things: Saturdates, The Kristy Library and Thankfulness

Well hey there! I'm kind of confused writing to you today because yesterday felt like Saturday but it was actually Thursday and today kind of feels like Saturday again but not really. 

You see, yesterday was Australia Day and a public holiday for us Aussies - but it was kind of odd because it was mid week and whilst Jesse has the day off today, I'm off to meetings so it kind of feels like a long weekend except I'm not really long weekending. 

Anyway, despite the crazy mixed up mess this week has been, I have lots to share with you. 
Here's what's been happening recently! >> 

Saturdate Ice Cream Date in the Park - Alphabet Dating Letter I

Recent Dates: We're on a mission to get through as many dates as possible from our DIY Alphabet Dating Book and thus Saturdays have become Saturdates.

Paddlepop Shaky Shake Gluten FreeSaturdate Ice Cream Date in the Park - Alphabet Dating Letter I

Last Saturday our Saturdate was from the letter I - an ice cream date! 

Since coeliac disease means I can't get ice cream from an ice cream palour (because I've been bitten by the cross contamination monster too many times), we bought ice creams from the shops and drove to a local park to sit by the lake, chat and eat ice cream together. 

Jesse had vanilla bean Halo Top whilst I opted for two (yep, two because I figured he had a pint and one little cup wasn't enough for me) of my childhood faves; a Paddlepop Shaky Shake. 

Unfortunately it wasn't as good as I remembered - but hey! They were gluten free and I squashed a craving 😜

Let's not talk about the fact that we went to three petrol stations and one grocery store in search of this specific ice cream before finding it, ha! 

China Fail - Abs are Great But Have You Tried Donuts Shirt
Recent Laughs: On Sunday I came home from church and put on my favourite Engrish fail shirt. 

A while back I ordered what was supposed to be an "Abs are great, but have you tried donuts?" shirt - and this is what arrived instead 😝

Kristy Logic

Recent Logic: Jesse thinks it's hilarious that I do Zumba on a Saturday morning and then eat all day long afterwards because most people do exercise to burn calories.

Not this girl! I do Zumba for fun - and then I make sure I eat wayyyyy more than enough to compensate. 

Vegan Spaghetti and Meatballs Recipe

Recent Deliciousness: My Vegan Spaghetti and Meatballs Recipe. AKA: My current favourite dinner 💓

Terrace House Aloha State

Recent Watching: Terrace House Aloha State!

We finished Terrace House Boys and Girls in the City a week or so ago and were sad we'd watched it all - but alas, Terrace House Aloha State came out this week! So far we're not loving it as much but we'll see what happens!

We also binge watched all of the new Series of Unfortunate Events series!

The Kristy Library

Recent Realisation: That it's really awesome to have a friend with the same taste in books as you as you have your own personal network or friend libraries. 

My friend, who also happens to be a Kristy (and is probably reading this! And I realise I sound crazy but her name really is Kristy too),  who has the same taste in books as me so we're doing a bit of a book swap!

Morning Walks

Recently Thankful For: An abundance of work (even though sometimes I complain about frustrating clients or stressful projects - unfortunately I'm human), an incredible husband, my Mum and Dad who are a great example of selflessness, Zumba classes to make me smile, real friendships, delicious food and living in a country that is an incredible melting pot of cultures. 

Easy Homemade Pizza Shapes Recipe The Best Vegan Pikelets Recipe

Recently Posts: This week on the blog I shared two Australian themed recipes! This Homemade Gluten Free Arnotts Pizza Shapes Recipe and this Easy Vegan Pikelets Recipe in celebration of Australia Day!
But tell me, how has your week been?
What's your current favourite tv show?
And do you have a friend with the same name as you?


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