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Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Free Weekly Meal Plan & To Do List Printables to Start Your Year Right!

Free Weekly Meal Plan Template and To Do List Printables

I'm not much of a resolution maker, however, this year I've decided I need to be more intentional about meal planning.

Nothing annoys me more than the question of what's for dinner. It starts around 3pm and it always seems like whatever I feel like Jesse doesn't feel like and we end up settling on something that is kind of sub par. 

Whenever I plan our meals, however, I have the time to prep whatever needs to be prepped and we have a whole week full of delicious meals - not to mention the fact it often ends up cheaper as I can plan to cook whatever is on sale. 

To make meal planning super easy this year, I put together some printable menu planners for myself (in two designs - a girly floral version and a more neutral gray theme) - and I thought I'd share them with you too! 

So here they are! >>

Free Weekly Meal Plan Template and To Do List Printables

The floral theme is my favourite and I've put together three versions. 

To download them, simply click the below links and save them to your computer - then all you have to do is print! See my tips below for what to do with the prints.

This theme will work in a huge range of homes and it won't have your husband or the men in your family fussing over the floral details. 

To download them, simply click the links and save them - and check my tips below for what to do with the prints! 
DIY Printable Menu Meal Planner and To Do List

Once you've downloaded your prints, there are a few options;
  • Frame It
    Print the file either on your computer - or using an online/in store printing service on photo paper and frame it. The prints are A4 size, however, they will also work as A5 or A6. Once you've framed your print, you can simply write on the glass with a whiteboard/dry erase marker.
  • Laminate It
    If you don't want to run the risk of having glass smashing, simply laminate your print! If you don't have a laminator at home or in your office, most office supply stores and printing stores offer laminating services for just a few dollars.
  • Print Each Week 
    If you don't want to print or laminate it, simply print off the file each week and recycle the paper when you're done.

    We often keep a record of our meal plans in my planner as I often use past meal plans as inspiration for future weeks!
But tell me, 
Do you have any New Year's Resolutions? 
And are you a meal planner or do you just go with the flow?


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