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Friday, December 30, 2016

Recent Things: Summer Fun, Sweet Eats and Holiday Treats

Welll heeeeeeeeeey, friends! We're currently in this weird limbo land between Christmas and New Years where I've had no idea what day it was - so I'm kind of lucky my calendar alerts told me to write this post when I woke up this morning 😜

Luckily it did because I have LOTS to share! 
Here's what we've been up to recently! >> 

Over the Moo Coconut Milk Ice Cream Australia

Recent Obsessions: Over the Moo Coconut Milk Ice Cream. Gluten free, vegan, ridiculously delicious.

Oh and of course I've been loving this banana bowl. Can someone tell me how to win the lottery so I can buy ALL THE THINGS from Uncommon Goods? The small number of things we have I am obsessed with. 

Easy Mint Chocolate Chip Cupcakes Recipe - gluten free, vegan, low  fat, lower sugar, kid friendly, birthday cakes, wheat free, dairy free, egg free, simple

Recently Eating: This Vegan Mint Chocolate Chip Cupcakes Recipe and my Paleo Fruit Cake Recipe and Bacio Chocolate Kisses (which I only just realised were gluten free and they taste just like ferrero rochers! 💓).

Basically anything sweet. No shame here, friends.... I'm all about dessert.

Jesse playing Playstation VR

Recent Realisation: My Dad uses Jesse's "Christmas Bonus" for work to give him whatever gadget I won't let him buy. 

Two years ago Jesse got a Playstation 4 and this year he got Playstation VR. 

I swear he puts that thing on and he's off in another universe. We've taken selfies with him and he's had no idea we're there, we've blown on his neck really softly so he thinks there's a draft, we've danced like idiots and he's off in another world 😂

Recent Laughs: Grumpy Cat IRL 😜 

Jesse on Christmas Day

Recently Loving: All things CHRISTMAS! I shared our Christmas Recap on the blog this week and we've been having a lazy week hanging out as a family and enjoying the time off.

Watercolour Pet Painting

Recent Purchases: This beautiful watercolour portrait of Chanel! This was my Christmas present to myself 😉

When Your Husband Decides You Need a Hot TubWhen Your Husband Decides You Need a Hot Tub

Recently Enjoying: Lots of time in the pool and spa! On Wednesday we were swimming in the pool when it started to get windy and cool down and I told Jesse I had to get out before I froze - and somehow that turned into Jesse deciding we needed to get out the blow up hot tub/spa my Dad bought a few years ago and set it up.

So we now have a spa on our balcony..... and dare I say it was a very, very good idea.

Vegemite and Cheese Toasties with Fresh Summer Fruit Salad


Cherries, blueberries, apricots, pineapple, nectarines, peaches, strawberries - you name it, I'm eating it. Can't stop, won't stop. 


Recently Completing: ALL THE PUZZLES! I'm someone who doesn't know how to just stop so I've been entertaining myself with plenty of books and puzzles when there's nothing else to do! 

Welcome Back Anemic Kristy

Recent Frustrations: Low iron levels.... again. And that would be a really nasty bruise that came from nowhere. No bumping into anything or being hit - just my stupid body.

My iron levels dropped rapidly recently after we thought I was in the all clear! The last blood test I had showed that my iron levels had gone up and we were all excited that I was finally absorbing iron again - but perhaps that was a fluke as they've now gone way back down and my body is feeling it. 

I'm being a bit of a rebel and testing my like by taking iron supplements again (as of yesterday) to see if my body will tolerate them. Previously I had crazy (what we assume are) allergic reactions to them and hence I needed iron infusions instead - but time will tell!

Here's hoping the supplements will do and I don't have to wait until my iron levels hit rock bottom (and thus feel like 💩) and get another infusion. 

But tell me,
How has your week been? 
What can't you stop eating at the moment? 
And what's the best thing you got (or gave!) for Christmas? 
The best thing I gave for Christmas was probably a date night book for Jesse (which also benefits me, ha!) and I'll have to photograph it sometime so I can share it with you as it would be perfect for Valentines Day! 


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