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Friday, December 16, 2016

Recent Things: Movies, Cruising and Puppy Loving

What a week, my friends. I've cried way too many tears, felt stressed out of my brain and yet, somehow I made it to Friday. 

But instead of boring you with a weird intro, let's jump right into it.
Here's what's been happening in our world recently >> 

Baby Chanel Paige

Recent Puppy Loving: We'll start with the tears and get them out of the way. Why was I crying a lot this week? 

We found a lump near Chanel's eye over the weekend and took her in to see the vet first thing on Monday to check it out. They took a sample which came back inconclusive and told us she needed to have surgery to cut it out ASAP. 

On Wednesday my poor pup had to go into have the surgery and came home with the cone of shame. 

At this point, we don't know what the lump was. They're saying it was a soft tissue sarcoma which could or couldn't be cancerous - we just have to wait and see what the results come back with. 

Now, if you're not a pet person you're probably rolling your eyes thinking I'm a lunatic for crying over a dog that needed surgery - but Chanel is my baby. She's been miserable with the cone on her head and pretty down in the dumps and it's awful to see. 

I am hoping she gets a clean bill of health next week when we see the vet and get the results and that's the end of her doggy dramas.

But THANKFULLY, she is doing fine and even though she hates the horrible cone, she's not in pain from the surgery and we cannot wait to get that cone off her to give her proper snuggles.

Custom Christmas Ornament - Cute Couple Christmas Tradition Ideas  Custom Christmas Ornament - Cute Couple Christmas Tradition Ideas

Recent Excitement: This year's Christmas baubles arrived!

If you're new around here, you mightn't realise that every single year Jesse and I get a new ornament for our Christmas tree which features a memory from the year that was. We have first Christmas, engagement and wedding ornaments, Supernatural ornaments (from the year that we watched all of Supernatural and became totally obsessed), puzzle ornaments and this year's bauble features a memory from our New Zealand trip!

We "made up" (probably not the first people to create it as we're not that original) a card game in New Zealand which we played with these random Lord of The Rings cards in one of the places we stayed and Frodo happened to be the Jack. With this card game, drawing a jack pretty much means you won so Jesse would get so frustrated every time I drew a Frodo and would say "NOOOOOOO! You Frodo'd me again!".

Long story short, that became a running joke everytime you pull something on someone and thus it made this year's ornament. 

Once again this was created by this Etsy seller (not sponsored or affiliated or anything - we just love her work!) and even though we faced many challenges, it was SO worth it! 

How to Get the Avocado Emoji on iPhone

Recent Realisations: The AVOCADO EMOJI IS HERE!!!!!!!!!! 

That's a ridiculous thing to be excited over, I realise... but the emoji need is real, friends 😜

Outdoor Cinema Sydney - Moonlight Cinemas Review

Recent Nights Out: This past weekend we went to the Sydney Moonlight Cinema to see Moana! It was such a great movie - and such a gorgeous spot to see it!

The weather was perfect, we saw a gorgeous sunset and we got to kick back and relax on our bean beds. Make sure you bring a blanket if you're going as it does get cooler quite quickly when the sun sets but it's such a great night out. There's food trucks, a bar and you can choose your experience to suit you. 

We're heading back there to see at least two more movies this season (at the moment we're booked in to see Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them and Trolls) and can't wait! 

The Light Between Oceans Movie Review

Recent Girls Day: This Tuesday I met up with a girlfriend who just so happens to share the best name ever (Kristy, duh!) to see a movie! We saw The Light Between Oceans which was really good. A little long but good... but do yourself a favour and have some tissues nearby. 

Even though I had a super hectic and stressful week, I was SO glad for a break to just catch up and do something different! I am so lucky to have wonderful friends!

Chobani Delivery

Recent Uh Oh: Realising that Chobani's new meze dips are not gluten free. They sent me a hamper of dips last week and I was all YAY CHOBANI and stupidly ate one without seeing the little "may contain gluten" warning but my stomach definitely realised it. 

So yeah, do yourself a favour and don't eat Chobani's meze range if you're a fellow coeliac. 

Puppies Watching Us From the Window

Recent Cuteness: Our sweet puppers in the window watching us as we put up the Christmas lights outside this weekend.

Sneak Peek of Royal Caribbean's Ovation of the Seas Cruiseliner SydneyTwo70 on the Royal Caribbean's Ovation of the Seas Cruiseliner Sydney

Recent Excitement: Last night we were invited to a cocktail party aboard Royal Carribbean's Ovation of the Seas. This is the biggest cruiseliner Australia has ever had and they are NOT joking when they call it "Super Cruising". 

Aboard the ship you'll find shops, incredible restaurants (Jamie's Italian, Wonderland - a unique dining experience, casual restaurants, cafes, bars and fine dining establishments), pools, a gym, a spa, an indoor sky diving simulator, bumper cars, roller rink, arcade, Xbox lounge, a FlowRider surfing simulator and so much more. 

If you're considering a cruise in the future, make sure you look at this boat because it is incredible. It doesn't feel or look like a boat at all on the inside and I'm sure you wouldn't have a second of boredom. Jesse's now begging me to book a cruise in the near future as we've never been on a cruise before! 

Oh and Jesse also thinks you should know that the food is incredible. I'm hoping to get some more information on what their allergy friendly/gluten free options are aboard as well all know how important that is for a coeliac!

Dami Im Performing on Royal Caribbean Ovation of the Seas

Jesse was also beyond excited because the incredible Dami Im performed. Jesse may be Dami's biggest fan and he was TOTALLY fan girling boying. He actually thinks Dami needs to come over to our house for dinner to try my infamous chocolate cake so she falls in love with it and wants to be our bestie. 

Healthy Christmas Pudding Baked Oatmeal Recipe - low fat, gluten free, vegan, sugar free, clean eating recipe, nut free, egg free, dairy free, 4 ingredients Grain Free No Bake Mint Chocolate Bites Recipe - low fat, gluten free, vegan, paleo, clean eating recipe, sugar free

But tell me, how has your week been?
What's the last movie you saw? 
And have you ever been on a cruise? 


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