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Friday, December 9, 2016

Recent Things: Gingerbread, Thankfulness and Exciting Purchases

You know what I just realised? There are only three more Fridays left in this year (after today, of course). 

I don't know if I should be scared or concerned or excited. I'm going to go with excited because 2017 looks like it has lots of fun things in store - but I'm also a little concerned that 2016 has flown by so quickly. I feel like I'm going to blink and all of a sudden I'll be writing a blog at 60 whilst everyone has given up on the internet and moved on to flying nap pods and robo-bodies 😜

But hey! Luckily for you there are no robo-bodies in this post and even though I could really do with a flying nap pod, I'll have to show you what we've been up to lately instead.
So here's what's been happening in our non-nap pod/robo-body world recently >> 

Recent Purchases: So apparently I'm late to the party on this one, but you'll have to excuse me because they've only just started shipping to Australia. I pretty much bought the whole of the Uncommon Goods website because they have SO MUCH GOOD STUFF! 

I can't show you most of what I bought because... er... the people receiving said gifts may read this - but I can show you what I got! (and you can just look at their gift guides - holiday gift ideas for men / unique Christmas gifts for women)

I did what Kristy does best and ordered a bunch of serveware because #bloggerlife (not really, more like... Kristy is addicted to having cool bowls and plates). I ended up ordering a Buddha Bowl (which I have wanted for YEARS), a set of these fun ceramic cafeteria style plates (mainly for Jesse but since I don't like food touching that much, I see them as a double win) and a "Ooma bowl" which is pretty much perfect for chips and dips. 

They should be arriving soon so I'll have to let you know if they live up to expectation 😉 No doubt you'll be seeing them in blog pictures if they do, haha!

Gingerbread House Event 2016

Recent Fun: Our Gingerbread House event! Every year our church put on a ladies gingerbread afternoon where we get together to build gingerbread houses, smother them in lollies and drink champagne. I'm lucky enough to be on the team that organises it and this year was another huge success! 

Finished Gingerbread Houses

We had 60 women building gingerbread houses and plenty of helpers who helped to make it a wonderful event. 

Building a Gingerbread House with Mum

My Mama and I built a gingerbread house together and I was quite pleased with our efforts even though I was a little jealous of all of the lollies and gingerbread I couldn't eat. Whilst we did have gluten free ones available, I took one for the team and we built a regular gingerbread house so the rest of the family could enjoy it! 

Andddd because I couldn't find all the lollies we wanted on it gluten free so that was a deciding factor too.

Our house is also filled with mini chocolates so that, even if you don't like gingerbread, there's always a delicious treat inside.

Jesse's Gingerbread House

But of course my husband had to go one up on me, didn't he. He and a friend from church decided they needed their own mini men's gingerbread building event and got together at his house to build and decorate them. 

Jesse decided his house needed lights and snow and we spent three hours on Saturday searching high and low at a local shopping centre to get his supplies. It was super hot on Sunday so he ended up leaving the house without lollies (because they wouldn't stick as the icing was taking a while to dry - manly impatience in action 😜). 

But hey! It looked impressive nonetheless. 

Best Friends Chanel Scared of the Storm

Recent Puppy Love: Both puppers have been SUPER snuggly this week. Weirdly enough, Chanel who isn't usually our scaredy cat, decided she was TERRIFIED of storms on Monday afternoon and had to be held until it passed. 

It was a really big storm (the thunder was SO loud and the storm was right over the top of us - lightning and thunder happening at the exact same time) but I feel like she might have been putting it on just for the snuggles 😜

Maz and Larissa

Recently Thankful For: These two incredible women - and the rest of my friends. This sounds a bit woe is me yada yada but I honestly never thought growing up that I'd ever find true friends. Little did I know, God had another plan and I'd today have a group of women (and men, for that matter) surrounding me who I LOVE and who love me in all my craziness. I am BEYOND lucky to have them in my life! 💓

Also this week, I'm thankful for; rain, a great reading session with the little guy I volunteer with, fans and air conditioning (because it has been humid and muggy thanks to all that rain), an incredibly hard working husband, work, birds chirping (I might be afraid of birds but I love their song), Christmas music.. 

Recently Listening To: This song. LOVE LOVE LOVE!  And ALLLL the Christmas music. 

Anniversary Photo Shoot Sneak Peek

Recent Excitement: Seeing sneak peeks of our Anniversary Photos. I cannot wait to share them with all of you... but for now, keep an eye on Lucie's Facebook and Instagram pages as she uploads them. 

Reading One True Loves

Recent Reads: One True Loves after Brie recommended it! I haven't had much of a chance to read anything this week but what I have read has been good! 

Unicorn Christmas Shirt

Recently Wearing: This Christmas shirt. I may or may not have bought an extra one since they came on sale again 😜

Easy Unique Gift Wrapping Ideas for Christmas - Modern, Vintage, Boho, Rustic Holiday, Black White Gold and Other Beautiful Holiday Ideas, Cheap, Easy, Creative  Gluten Free Cold Sesame Noodle Salad Recipe - gluten free, vegan, healthy, clean eating recipe, nut free, soy free, sugar free, work lunch recipes

Recent Posts: This week on the blog I shared some Unique Gift Wrapping Ideas for Christmas, my Healthy Living and Fitness Christmas Gift Guide (the last gift guide for this year!) and a delicious Cold Sesame Noodle Salad Recipe.

But tell me, what's been happening in your world this week? 
What are you grateful for? 
And what's the last book you read? 


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