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Friday, December 23, 2016

Recent Things: Circus Acts and The Best Babysitters in the World

You guyssss! There are only two days until Christmas. 

Would someone like to tell me how we got here? I'm pretty sure it was my birthday yesterday and Thanksgiving two seconds ago and now we're here. 

But hey, Christmas is my favourite holiday so that's not such a bad thing... as long as we can slowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww downnnnnnnnnnnnn now that it's almost here. 

But first, let me share what's been happening in our world recently! >> 

Recent Joy: Finding out our Nelly bean is cancer free and doesn't need any further surgery! Poor puppy still has a cone on her head (so she doesn't scratch the wound open) but we were SOOOOOOOOOO overjoyed when we got the call from the vet giving her the all clear! 

Recent Fun: Instagram stories. Always Instagram stories. If you don't already follow us on Instagram (@southerninlaw), you totally should just so you can see my creative masterpieces... and embarrassing videos like the below...

Recent Laughs: Playing cake splat with my family on Saturday night. Who was the first to get splat? That would be yours truly... 

Best Babysitters in the World

Recent Awwwwh's: Getting this card from our three favourite boys 💓

Recent Obsession: Over the Moo Coconut Milk Ice Cream. HOLLLLYYYYY DELICIOUSNESS, my friends. Never have you met an ice cream that's creamier and more decadently delicious. 

I begrudge the fact that I have to share with my husband.... that's how good it is. Tonight we're planning on having ice cream sundaes in our new banana split bowls!

New Owl Lamp Decor

Recent Purchases: A new Owl Lamp for our room! I have a bit of an obsession with light up things on our dresser. 

Why? Because we switch them all on whilst watching tv at night and our room has this pretty glow about it. Currently we have our mini Christmas tree and this sweet owl and after Christmas we'll switch the tree out for our heart marquee light... unless someone purchases something else 😜

Recent Movies: Star Wars Rogue One.... which was a bit of a let down for me. I'm not a big Star Wars fan so instead of loving on all the backstory, I was just hating on the fact that there was little to no story line in this film. When you know the backstory, I suppose it's more exciting - but on it's own? Yeaaaaah nope. 

I can't say I'd be in a hurry to rewatch it. 

Circus 1903 Review Sydney Opera House

Recently Loving: Whilst I wouldn't rewatch Rogue One, I would rewatch Circus 1903. Holy guacamole it was AMAZING! 

If you're in Sydney, do yourself a favour and book tickets to go and see it. It's on at The Sydney Opera House and they have some incredible ticket deals at the moment. LastTix currently have them  on sale from $29 (not an affiliate link, just sharing an email deal for my fellow bargainistas!) and it is worth every single penny. 

They've got every kind of circus act you can think of and some incredible performers. The "dislocationist" was freakily amazing. 

Recently Admiring: Sydney Harbour at sunset. Oh Sydney, how I love thee! 💓

When you live in a city like this, I feel like you can never stray too far from home.

Recent Laughs: The ultimate unicorn lover's gift. I'm sure this would make a magnificent feature piece in anyone's home 😛

Recent Faves: All things Christmas! It really is the most wonderful time of the year! 

But tell me, how has your week been?
Are you ready for Christmas?
What are your Christmas plans? 
Our Christmas plans include a movie night tomorrow night (Christmas Eve) and then church on Christmas morning and dinner with family on Christmas night! 


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