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Monday, December 19, 2016

Recipe: Kofta Pitas with Tzatziki Dipping Sauce

Healthy Beef or Lamb Kofta Pitas Recipe with Tzatziki Dipping Sauce - healthy, low fat, gluten free, high protein, clean eating recipe, nut free, egg free

This is one of those recipes we struggle to name. At home, we call them lamb/beef pitas but when I describe them to someone who doesn't know what I'm talking about, I never know what to call them. 

You see, they have a pita bread base and a kofta topping. 
They're kind of like a turkish pide, only with a whole new flavour set.
They're a little bit like a pizza - but maybe more of a pizzette. 
And then they're kind of like a lebanese pizza but grilled instead.

But whatever you want to call them, I promise they're delicious. 

Lamb Kofta Pitas Recipe with Tzatziki Dipping Sauce - healthy, low fat, gluten free, high protein, clean eating recipe, nut free, egg free

This is one of our favourite summer dinners. Originally inspired by a cooking class event I went to with Miguel Maestre, this is a super simple dish with a tonne of flavour. We either grill it on the barbeque or inside on a grill pan and serve it up with tzatziki dipping sauce and fresh veggies. 

I mean, who doesn't love dipping and dunking? 😜

Beef or Lamb Kofta Pitas Recipe with Tzatziki Dipping Sauce - healthy, low fat, gluten free, high protein, clean eating recipe, nut free, egg free

The other great thing about this recipe is that you can make it to feed a few or a crowd (I've shared the recipe for two but you can easily multiple it) and you can tweak and tailor it to suit your own tastes.

Switch up the seasoning mix and add in some Ras El Hanout (my Mum's favourite) for a morrocan style flavour or keep it simple with cumin and garlic if you don't want things spicy. 

But let me share the recipe with you! >> 

Easy Beef or Lamb Kofta Pitas Recipe with Tzatziki Dipping Sauce - healthy, low fat, gluten free, high protein, clean eating recipe, nut free, egg free

Easy Beef of Lamb Kofta Pitas Recipe with Tzatziki Dipping Sauce 
makes 2 medium pitas to serve 2 for a main, easily multiplied
gluten free, egg free, nut free, soy free, sugar free, clean eating recipe 

To Make the Pitas:
1 2/3 cups (200g) gluten free self raising flour* (or regular self raising for non GF)
2/3 cup (160g) plain greek yogurt (we use Chobani) 

To Make the Kofta Topping:
200g lean beef or lamb mince 
1/2 tsp cumin**
1/2 tsp paprika**
1/2 tsp garlic salt**
1 tbsp chopped fresh parsley

For the Tzatziki Dipping Sauce:
1 tub of Chobani Meze Dip Herbed Tzatziki (warning: NOT coeliac safe as they have a may contain gluten warning) or 1 batch of our Healthy Garlic and Herb Yogurt Dip Recipe with 1 grated cucumber mixed through.
  • To make your pita bread, mix your yogurt with your flour until a dough begins to form. We find it's easiest to mix it through first with a spatula and then combine the ingredients with our hands - kneading until a dough forms. It will seem a little dry at first but it will come together. You can also mix your dough in a food processor if you don't want to use your hands. 
  • Once your pita dough is ready, divide it in half and roll your pitas out between two pieces of baking paper. You can roll it as thick or as thin as you like. The pictured version was rolled out to about 1/4". 
  • Once your pitas are rolled out, lightly grease your barbecue grill plate or pan and place your pitas on the hot grill. 
  • Cook for about 2 minutes per side or until golden.
  • Whilst your pitas are cooking, combine all of your kofta topping ingredients. 
  • Once both sides of your pitas are cooked, remove them from the grill and set them aside.
  • Spread a thin layer of your kofta topping onto one side of your pitas and place on the grill, meat side down. 
  • Cook for 2-3 minutes or until your meat topping is cooked through and browned on top. 
  • Slice and serve immediately with your tzatziki dipping sauce.
*If you don't have self raising flour, simply add 3 teaspoons of baking powder to your plain flour.
**Feel free to switch up the flavours and use whatever you like. My Mum always uses Ras El Hanout in hers as she loves the flavour whilst my girlfriend always makes her version with a mix of sumac, cumin, coriander, cayenne pepper and harissa paste.

But tell me, what are some of your favourite summer recipes/foods?
And what's your favourite dip to dunk and enjoy? 


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