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Wednesday, December 28, 2016

A Very Southern In Law Christmas - 2016

Hello, my loves! Now that those of you in the Northern Hemisphere have wrapped up your Christmas celebrations, I thought I'd share a little peek at our Christmas! 

At first I was going to share just pictures, I decided that perhaps I should share a video as well - so today you're getting a video and pictures and probably a few words too. 

So let me share our Christmas with you! >> 

Our Christmas Day was a small one this year with my immediate family, my uncle and my two cousins Holly and Mitchell.

I was up super ridiculously early (at 530am I finally succumbed and just got up) and since the rest of the house was fast asleep and the golden sunshine was streaming in through the blinds, I decided it was the perfect time for a walk. 

It was perfect - just the right temperature and the golden sun shining through the treetops as I walked alone. No one seemed to want to be awake at 6am on Christmas morning so I had the park to myself. 

So I walked, I prayed, I took photos and I wandered back home to wake my sleeping family. 

Jesse and my Dad were dressed in their matching Santa and Chief Elf pyjamas and it was time to open presents!

Jesse and I decided we weren't really going to do gifts for each other this year, however, my parents went overboard as usual! 

Jesse was excited.

The puppies knew that new toys were coming (and yep, poor Chanel still had her cone on).

And we got lots of cool things! 

Then my Uncle came over to hang out until it was time to pick up Holly and Mitchell and have Christmas dinner! 

Katrina had bought Jesse and I "impossipuzzles" and I decided that it couldn't be that hard so I sat on the ground and put it together whilst we all talked and hung out.

The verdict? Definitely not impossible.... but definitely a puzzle. I had both Jesse and my puzzles done in an hour 😛

Before the kids arrived, I set the table for dinner (and my OCD was pretty irritated that I had to set a table for 9 and that meant everything couldn't be even, ha!), decided my Mum needs some more plain tablecloths and we got everything ready for the big feast! 

Once the kids arrived we waited for everything to finish cooking and snapped a few family pictures - and our friends Tom and Mel popped over to say hello in the middle of the photo taking so we made sure we got a photo with them too! 😉

Then dinner was served, Christmas crackers were popped, party hats were worn and we all walked away with full bellies. 

And just like that, Christmas was over for another year.

But tell me, how was your Christmas? 
How do you usually celebrate Christmas?
And did you get any exciting gifts? 
Oh and yeah, Jesse and I had custom made Go Jesus! It's your birthday! shirts which I designed and had printed 😜


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