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Monday, November 21, 2016

Recipe: Healthy Caramel Apple Muffins (Gluten Free)

Healthy Caramel Apple Muffins Recipe - gluten free, healthy, sugar free, low fat, dairy free, clean eating recipe, dessert, snack, easy, simple

Whenever we have friends over for a meal, I have one rule I always try to follow.... 
Don't try a new recipe. 

Why? Because even though I love developing new recipes and generally they work well - I can almost guarantee that if I try something new when I either have limited time or people to share it with; it will fail. 

I've had cakes collapse, baked chicken recipes turn out dry and bleh, seasonings that overpower everything else and ended up as a frazzled mess. Maybe it's stress, maybe it's pressure - but I know that following my rule is usually the safest option. 

But, friends... I'm a bit of a rebel, it seems. 

Healthy Caramel Apple Muffins Recipe - gluten free, healthy, sugar free, low fat, dairy free, clean eating recipe, dessert, snack, easy, simple

You see, a few weeks ago we had friends coming over for dinner on Sunday night and even though I had both limited time and friends to share food with, I decided to break my own rule and try something totally new. 

Nevermind the fact that it was totally risky as I'd never baked with the main ingredient before... 

But somehow, it became a delicious success. 

Healthy Caramel Apple Muffins Recipe - gluten free, healthy, sugar free, low fat, dairy free, clean eating recipe, dessert, snack, easy, simple

These Caramel Apple Muffins are beyond delicious and so easy to make. They were quickly devoured by my family and our guests and we were all so disappointed that there weren't any leftovers that I made new batch the next day :P 

So let me share the recipe with you! >> 

Healthy Caramel Apple Muffins Recipe - gluten free, healthy, sugar free, low fat, dairy free, clean eating recipe, dessert, snack, easy, simple

Healthy Caramel Apple Muffins Recipe
makes 10-12, depending on size 
gluten free, dairy free, healthy, clean eating recipe, low fat,
refined sugar free, kid friendly, peanut free, freezer friendly

For the caramel topping: 
40 ml maple syrup 
1/3 cup milk of your choice (we used almond milk)
pinch of salt

For the muffins: 
1 cup (120g) gluten free plain flour 
1/2 cup (50g) almond meal/almond flour 
3/4 tsp baking soda 
1/3 cup - 1/2 cup (75g-100g) coconut sugar**
2 eggs 
3/4 cup (180g) unsweetened applesauce 
2 small apples or 1 large apple, peeled and diced 

To make the muffins:
  • Preheat your oven to 180C/355F
  • Grease and/or line a muffin tin and set aside 
  • In a medium mixing bowl, mix together your flour, almond meal, baking soda and sugar. Add in your eggs and applesauce, mixing until just combined.
  • If needed, add a splash of milk until you get a thick but mixable batter. 
  • Mix through your chopped apple, mixing until the apples are evenly spread throughout your batter and spooning into your prepared tin. 
To make the caramel (full recipe here
  • Mix together your nut butter and maple syrup in a small saucepan over a medium-high heat. 
  • Bring your peanut butter mixture to the boil (it will be bubbling) and cook for about 1 minute, allowing your mix to turn a light golden colour. 
  • Stir in your milk, mixing until your caramel mixture is smooth and combined. 
  • Allow your caramel to reduce to your desired consistency, stirring regularly to ensure everything is mixed together and heating evenly. 
Putting it all together: 
  • Dollop your caramel mixture on top of your muffins and swirl with a toothpick.
  • Bake for 20-30 minutes, or until your loaf is cooked through and a toothpick inserted into the centre removes clean. 
  • Tip! If you find the top cooks faster than the middle, loosely cover your muffin tray with foil once the top has cooked (just place a piece of foil on top) and continue baking until a skewer inserted into the middle removes clean. This will stop the top from over-browning/drying out.
  • Once baked, allow to cool slightly before removing from tins. Serve as desired and store any leftovers in an airtight container for 2-3 days. 
*We used cashew butter for this version for a creamy, buttery caramel, however, almond butter or peanut butter both work too! Peanut butter gives a little bit of a peanut taste that works really well with the apple in the muffins.
**Use more/less depending on how sweet you like your baked goods. Instead of coconut sugar, you can also use brown sugar.

But tell me, do you have any "recipe rules" like me? 
And what's your go-to dessert or sweet treat when entertaining friends?


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