HAPPPPPYYYYYYYYY FRIDAY! This week has been busy busy busy and whilst our weekend looks to be jam packed as well, I can't wait for a break from working!
But before we get to the weekend, let's take a look back at the week! I have lots to share with you so let's skip the intro and jump right into it!
Here's what's been happening in our world recently! >>
Recent Successes: A SERIOUSLY productive week. Get sh!+ done I did, friends :P
I'm still a little bit obsessed with my ASUS E200HA Notebook because it means I can work everywhere - at home, at cafes between meetings, run powerpoint presentations for workshops, outside in the sunshine, etc etc.
Recent Fun: Lots and lots of family time! From fires and barbecues to dinners and lazy afternoons we've spent lots of time with our family (both by blood and by love!) this week!
Recently Thankful For: YOU! Little did I know our reader survey was going to make me so so happy! We're now keeping it there permanently so you can tell us what you want to see as we realised there's lots of you who read but don't comment and there's lots of things you want to see on the blog that we haven't been posting!
We have a big old list of posts to create over the next couple of months!
Recent Wants: In an ideal world I'd have a million dollars and buy ALL THE THINGS! But here's what I've been eyeing off this week.
- White Crochet Lace Dress ($17.18 - yep, you read that right) - I reaaally want a white dress for spring/summer and I think this one may be it!
- Whiteboard Speech Bubble Light ($49.99) - ummmm, as if that's not awesome?! I want one over our bed so I can write really ridiculous thoughts over Jesse's head, haha!
- Shit Yeah Mermaid Hair Beach Towel ($29.99) - let's be honest, one of the main reasons I love swimming in the ocean is because I end up with awesome mermaid hair afterwards (thanks sea salt!). I didn't get to go swimming at the beach last year but this year it HAS to happen! Any Sydney friends want to join me on a trip to Wattamolla?
- Mermaid Heat Change Mug ($9.99) - Jesse got a heat change mug last week and I'm ridiculously jealous so I kind of need my own. And um... who doesn't want an Always Be Yourself (unless you can be a unicorn) mug :P
- Open Back Cut Out Tank ($19.95) - but in black because um.. any colour other than black is just shouting "HELLOOOO! I WORKED OUT AND NOW I'M SWEATY!" (that's why God made the people who invented colourful sports bras and leggings - so girl can still have colour).
- DIY Matryoshka Dolls ($3.68) - I feel like I called these the wrong name my entire life as I always called nesting dolls Babushka dolls, however, I really really really want to buy these and make my own! I think I need a SIL family version haha!
- Me? Sarcastic? Never. Tshirt ($6.50) - my life :P
Recent Favourite: This Gluten Free Artisan Bread. It's made with just five ingredients and seriously, ridiculously delicious!

Recent Addiction: Oatmeal Bowls with my Homemade Vegan Cashew Creamer Recipe!
Recently Laughing At: Myself. Haters gon' hate and Kristy gon' take stupid selfies.
A lovely human being decided to compliment me with unkindness over the weekend through social media, however, they didn't realise they were trying to mess with someone who never takes herself seriously and always loves to laugh at herself.
There's no striving for perfection over here, friends!
There's no striving for perfection over here, friends!
Recent Happiness: SPRINGGGGGGGGGGGGG! We've been blessed with glorious sunshine and warm days this week and seeing as how my mood is directionaly proportional to how warm it is, that means I'm verrrrrrrrrrry happy.
Recent Deliveries: A HUGEEEEEEEEEEE hamper full of goodness from our friends at Australian Mushrooms! I can't wait to create lots of yummy mushroom filled creations!
Recent Food Finds: Venerdi's Paleo Moroccan Spice Crackers. So so good!
Recent Breakfast Faves: My High Protein Overnight Oatmeal Recipe. Topped with lots and lots of fresh fruit and peanut butter <3
Recent Recipes: This week on the blog I shared my Gluten Free and Vegan PB&J Baked Oats Recipe as well as my delicious DIY Vegan Coffee Creamer Recipe
But tell me!
How has your week been?
What's one thing you've been wanting to buy this week but haven't purchased just yet?
And what are you thankful for this week?
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