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Monday, June 20, 2016

Recipe: Homemade Vegan Cheesy Crackers (Grain Free!)

Healthy Homemade Vegan Cheesy Crackers Recipe - Grain Free Cheez-Its and Goldfish Crackers Copycat Replacement - low carb, clean eating recipe, dairy free, egg free, sugar free

Can you have broken taste buds? 

I know that seems like a really odd thing to ask, but sometimes I really wonder if Jesse's taste buds are broken.... let me explain. 

You see, a couple of months ago I bought a new bag of nutritional yeast. Jesse saw me sprinkling it over pasta and asked if he could try some. So he took a spoonful of it to eat it dry...

Healthy Homemade Vegan Cheesy Crackers Recipe - Grain Free Cheez-Its and Goldfish Crackers Copycat Replacement - low carb, clean eating recipe, dairy free, egg free, sugar free

I thought the chance of him liking it were slim to none when he was trying it on its own on a spoon, but instead he looks up with huge eyes and says "they taste like cheezels and cheese doritos and cheez-its and they kind of taste like goldfish crackers too!"

That I understood. Nutritional yeast is cheesy - but what he'd say when he first tried this recipe? Yah, not what I was expecting. You see, I decided to make a Vegan Homemade Cheez-Its Recipe that was also grain free and that's how this recipe was born. 

But what did Jesse say when he tried his first one?

Healthy Homemade Vegan Cheesy Crackers Recipe - Grain Free Cheez-Its and Goldfish Crackers Copycat Replacement - low carb, clean eating recipe, dairy free, egg free, sugar free

Oh my GOSH! They are so good... they taste like fried chicken. 

Fried chicken?!?! This, my friends, is why I think Jesse has broken taste buds. At first I was ready to throw my recipe out the window because fried chicken wasn't what I was going for - but I rounded up friends and family to try them out and all of them tasted cheese and none of them tasted chicken. 

In fact, these crackers are so good that a batch barely lasts a day in our house.
So let me share the recipe with you! >> 

Healthy Homemade Vegan Cheesy Crackers Recipe - Grain Free Cheez-Its and Goldfish Crackers Copycat Replacement - low carb, clean eating recipe, dairy free, egg free, sugar free

Vegan Homemade Cheesy Crackers Recipe 
makes about 2-3 dozen small crackers that are grain free,
vegan, gluten free, egg free, dairy free, sugar free & clean eating friendly

1/4 cup (15g) nutritional yeast
1/2 tsp garlic salt 
1/4 tsp paprika
1/4 tsp turmeric*
2 tsp (10ml) oil 
1-2 tbsp water, as needed
  • Preheat oven to 180C/355F
  • Line two baking sheets with baking paper and set aside
  • In a bowl, mix together all of your ingredients, adding just as much water as needed to form a dough. You want to only add as much as needed to bring it together - not too much or it'll be too sticky to handle!
  • Roll out your dough between two sheets of baking paper, rolling it out until it's about 2.5mm. You can make them thinner/thicker, however, the thickness shown in the photos will mean they're nice and crunchy!
  • Cut out your crackers with a cookie cutter or slice them into squares with a sharp knife or pizza cutters.
  • Place your crackers onto your baking sheet, leaving just a little bit of room between each cracker so they don't stick together.
  • Bake for 8-10 minutes or until crunchy and golden, flipping halfway to ensure each side is nice and golden. 
  • Allow to cool before storing in an airtight container. These crackers will keep for up to two weeks.
*If you don't like the taste of turmeric, feel free to leave this out.
Linking up for Meatless Monday with Deb and Sarah

But tell me, do you know anyone with "broken" taste buds?
And if you could make any kind of "junk food" healthy, what would you choose? (and I say "junk food" because I don't really think you should label any kind of food!)


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