Hello my loves! HAPPPPPPPPPY FRIDAY! (I actually just wrote birthday... getting a little too excited there haha..). The weekend is SO close and it's time to relax - or in our case, spend time with some of our favourite people in the world!
I actually had a reason to accidentally write birthday there, however, as tomorrow is my Dad's birthday and in twelve short days, it will be my birthday - so naturally, I have birthday cakes on my mind!
But let me tell you about what we've been up to this week, shall I?
Recent Creations: This Peanut Butter Strawberry Protein Bread. We are obsessed and I need to share the recipe with you ASAP now that we've perfected it!
Recent Puppy Loving: This week Trixie has been in a cuddly mood and trying to get up on my lap anytime I'm working away at my computer. They've been demolishing a house near ours and the sound of the demolition has totally scared Trixie so she won't leave our sides whenever she hears it.
Recent Eats: We've had some deeeeelicious dinners this week! Here's what's been on our dinner table;
- Saturday: Healthy Homemade Corn Chowder with Healthy Italian Style Herb & Parmesan Turkey Meatballs (random combination but I really wanted meatballs haha)
- Sunday: Pumpkin & Feta Quinoa Bowls with Grilled Chicken
- Monday: Healthy Homemade Chicken & Dumpling Soup (pictured above) - this was SO good. I need to share the recipe ASAP!
- Tuesday: TACOOOOOOOOOO Tuesday! On our Typo Taco plates of course ;)
- Wednesday: Honey Soy Baked Fish with Steamed Rice and Veggies (so yum!)
- Thursday: Quinoa Baked Mac and Cheese with Grilled Chicken and Veggies

Recent Fun: Last week I cooked up a GINORMOUS pot of my healthy bolognaise for our Igniters and it was a huge hit as always. We've got around 10 kids coming regularly each week plus four leaders so it's slowly slowly growing!
Recent Deliciousness: You guys have been loving our Healthy Baked Cinnamon Donuts Recipe and our Lightened Up Ultimate Brownies Recipe this week and I am not surprised in the slightest! I know I was a bit slack this week and only shared one recipe (as we've been crazy busy) but I am planning on posting a delicious recipe for you tomorrow morning that I'm sure you'll love! ;)
Recent Must Haves: Cute workout gear. It's no secret that I kind of live in activewear. In fact, it's often what I feel most confident in (because I always feel great when I'm working out!) and Jesse prefers my casual activewear to dressy clothes because it usually means I'm also makeup free. My Bayse Kaleidoscope Leggings are one of my all time favourite pieces because I love the colours - and I can't wait to buy new season activewear for spring/summer!
I'm pretty much a walking, talking advertisement for activewear. I really need a sponsor or something (and not in the alcoholics anonymous sponsor who stops your addiction kind of way - this addiction should definitely be fed, ha!)
I'm pretty much a walking, talking advertisement for activewear. I really need a sponsor or something (and not in the alcoholics anonymous sponsor who stops your addiction kind of way - this addiction should definitely be fed, ha!)
Recent Wish: We would love it if you could share the SIL love with your friends. On Facebook you can now Invite Friends to like our page. Simply click on the button on our Facebook page either on your mobile or computer and click on friends who you think might like the blog!
Don't forget, if you don't already follow us, we have Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest and we'd love to have you following us there too! I love nothing more than reading your comments and messages and seeing your pictures of your own SIL creations - and I show each and every one to Jesse too!
Recent Health: My IT band has settled down a bit but my hip is still giving me trouble. I was seeing a physio for both, however, on the weekend I decided the physio I was seeing really wasn't doing anything at all so I'm currently looking for another alternative - or another physio. Why is it so hard to find healthcare "professionals" who actually do their job!?
Recent Plans: This weekend we get to spend time with some of our favourite people! Tomorrow Jesse is heading to the movies on a man-date whilst I'm going out for lunch with one of my favourite people. Sunday we're heading to church in the morning and then Monique (who is doing really well! thank you for your prayers!) are coming over for a barbeque which I know will last long into the evening as we always have so much fun together.
But tell me, what do you have planned for the weekend?
And what have you been up to this week?
Let's chat! Leave a comment below - I'd love to hear about what you've been up to!
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