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Friday, June 12, 2015

Recent Things: Satur-DIY, Prayer Requests & This Week's Funnies

Recent Things: Satur-DIY, Prayer Requests and This Week's Funnies

Hello my sweets! This week has been another busy one (especially as it was a short week as Monday was a public holiday) so I feel like I've been chasing my tail since Tuesday!

But let me share what we've been up to this week! >> 

New DIY Project - Restoring an Old Wooden Tea TrolleyNew DIY Project - Restoring an Old Wooden Tea Trolley

Recent Fun: Jesse and I are working on another furniture project! Last Friday I picked up our latest project; a tea trolley! I managed to score it on eBay for just $3.25 and the plan is to turn it into a baking/cooking trolley.

We ripped out the shelves to replace with natural timber and the frame will be spray painted a glossy white. I'm also considering putting in a rack between the two shelves, depending on how much room is left after we put the new shelves in! 

Prayer Request for MoniqueRecent Prayer Request: Now, prayers aren't something I often request but one of my oldest and dearest friend is in serious need of prayers right now.

Monique (on the left in the photo) is my second oldest friend (Jamie, on the right is the oldest at just under two weeks older than me). Our families met at prenatal classes and we've been friends ever since (so much so that I'd probably class them as family).

Last Thursday, Monique was feeling a little bit off and went to the medical centre with a swollen neck. Immediately she was told to go to the ER and she did just that, calling her Mum to meet her there on the way. Within the space of just a few hours, doctors told Monique that if her neck continued swelling and pressing on her windpipe they'd need to intubate her and they soon had to do exactly that.

Monique has been in an induced coma since Thursday night with a fever that is yet to be broken, stats that are all over the place and doctors still don't know what's going on. My heart is breaking with every update - especially when I find out that despite the fact she's sedated, she is sobbing through the coma. I can't imagine how scared she must be and I know that her family are hurting too and that's why I'm asking you to take just a moment to pray for her.

Pray for her doctors and medical team - that they would work together, using all of their skills and knowledge to work out what's going on and causing these issues.
Pray for her family - that they would take comfort in the knowledge that our God is greater and stronger and more powerful than anything we could ever imagine - and that He is facing this challenge right alongside them. Pray that they would be comforted and calmed during what is such a stressful and emotional time. 
Pray for Monique - that her body would heal, that her fever would break and most importantly that she wouldn't be afraid. Pray that she would soon be back to her normal chatty, spunky self. 

Whipped Vanilla Oatmeal with Peanut Butter and Banana

Recent Breakfasting: This week I have been eating ALLLLLLLLLLL the oatmeal. I'd run out of breakfast bakes and didn't have a chance to eat any more so I decided to make a good ol' bowl of oats on Monday and I've been having them every day since <3 

Sydney Property Market Meme

Recent Laughs: Mum saw this photo on KIIS 106.5's Facebook page this week and thought of me. Ohhhhh Sydney property market, how you kill me! 

I mean seriously, a unit just next to our church sold for $900K last week. How is one ever supposed to afford a house?! (and don't even get me started on how Joe Hockey thinks I should get one!)

Healthy Cheesy Pumpkin Pasta Bake with Chicken

Recent Eats: Here's what's been on our dinner table this week; 

  • Saturday: Healthy Creamy Pesto Pasta with Salad
  • Sunday: Homemade Baked Fish and Chips 
  • Monday: Cheesy Chicken and Pumpkin Pasta Bake (pictured above which I really need to share the recipe for!)
  • Tuesday: Taco Tuesday! (as always) with Beef and Black Bean Tacos
  • Wednesday: Our favourite Roasted Pumpkin and Feta Quinoa Bowls with Grilled Chicken!
  • Thursday: Beef Stroganoff with Rice and Steamed Veggies 
  • Tonight: Sesame Noodles with Chicken and Veggies is the plan for tonight! I definitely need to share that recipe soon!

God doesn't want you to be perfect

Recent Reminder: This week I was reminded just how freeing and astonishing the truth of the gospel is for those who don't yet know Jesus. I had the opportunity to have a couple of conversations this week where I really saw people's eyes and hearts open and it really reminded me how important it is to share the truth of the gospel - even if we feel uncomfortable or not "good enough". 

Jesus doesn't expect us to be perfect. He just wants us to love Him so that He can give us new life. You don't have to be "perfect" to be a Christian because Jesus already did all of that for you!

Iron deficiency meme

Recent Health Update: I feel a bit ridiculous telling you about my miniscule health problems after telling you about Monique but I've gotten a couple of emails lately asking me about my fatigue/acupuncture/iron deficiency etc. I got a call from my haematologist yesterday letting me know that he'd received my latest blood test results and they showed I'm in need of another iron infusion.

I'm off to see him next Wednesday to organise an iron infusion as he wants me to have it in the next four weeks and my low iron levels definitely explain my serious fatigue and blahness lately so I'm hoping this iron infusion will once again give me back my energy! (and hopefully my body tolerates it better than the last one!)

But tell me, how has your week been?
What food are you loving this week?
And what's one thing you've learnt/discovered?



  1. Sounds delicious will try tomorrow thank you

  2. Oh no, I will be sending lots of good thoughts and vibes towards Monique and her family. I do hope they figure out what is wrong soon and get her on her way to feeling better and healthier!

  3. Ohhh, how terrifying for Monique and her friends and family. I'm sending hugs along with my prayers for everyone. Hang in there, Kirsty! Hold onto God's promises during this time and take comfort in Him.
    Thanks for the update on your health situation. You always present such a cheery outlook on your blog that it's easy to forget things may not always be so sunny regarding your health. I feel you re. the blahness of fatigue as I overdid things whilst studying at uni and it's taken several years to build up my energy levels. Hopefully the iron infusions do their thing. I have an aunt who has iron transfusions every six months or so because of a hereditary condition and, whilst inconvenient, they help her a lot. Keep smiling! xo

  4. Sending love and health to Monique, her family, friends, and you dear! XOXO

  5. Thank you, Bronwyn! I am definitely holding onto God during this time and luckily I know Monique's family are too! It definitely makes it easier going through tough times when you know you don't have to be in control.

  6. Praying for Monique and family. Has there been any update since your post?

  7. Jill you are so sweet! I really should have posted an update! Monique is still in the ICU but she has now been taken out of the coma! She is very scared and still quite unsure of what's going on (as she's still on a lot of medication to fight whatever bug has been effecting her body and isn't allowed to talk as of yet) so she still definitely needs prayers! She's particularly scared of sleeping at the moment after being in a coma for 11 days so if you could pray that The Lord would comfort her and allow her to rest that would be incredible.

    Thank you for taking the time to pray for her - it really means so much! <3 xx


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