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Friday, May 22, 2015

Recent Things: Mug Dropping, Sock Hopping and New Food Finds

Hello my loves! Can you believe it's Friday again?! I feel like I just get done with one Friday only to arrive at another! It's currently miserable and rainy in Sydney but luckily we've had a pretty good (but CRAZY busy!) week so I have some positives to share with you!

So let me tell you what we've been up to this week! >> 

Where to buy thermal socks in Australia

Recent Must Have: Warm socks! (As well as all of my other Winter Must Haves) I have been struggling to keep warm this week so I have been making sure I always have warm socks on my feet. Jesse and I have way too many pairs of the thermal socks (from The Reject Shop) but they are seriously SO good! 

Where to buy Cheap Whey Protein in Australia

Recent Purchase: Whey Protein! I've been wanting to try whey protein for ages but I couldn't buy any online due to customs regulations. Now that the customs restrictions have changed I was finally able to buy cheap whey protein in Australia (well, shipped to Australia) and I was so happy to find I can actually use it with no stomach issues. I already have my brown rice protein but I can't use that in smoothies because I find the taste is too strong. This whey protein, however, is SO good! 

Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Smoking Treatment

Recent Healthness: Healthness that is a Kristy term for "stuff relating to my health". I'm still getting acupuncture weekly for my circulation (which is still working wonders) but we're trying to work on getting my energy levels back to a more normal level (as I'm constantly exhausted). This week we kicked it up a notch with the stinky smoker box which left Jesse teasing me all afternoon until I had a shower because I "stunk". 

I'm thinking the fatigue may have something to do with my dodgy iron levels though so I had a blood test yesterday to check on that! We shall see what comes back with that next week!

Autumn Leaves - Japanese Maple Tree in Sydney

Recently Admiring: Autumn leaves. I hate the cooler weather but love all of the autumn colours. Our Japanese Maple Tree always looks beautiful before it sheds its leaves for the winter. All of those pretty colours definitely make the gloomy skies more tolerable!

Gluten Free Lentil Chips

Recent Snack Obsession: Lentil Chips! I usually hate chips (and Jesse thinks that is the weirdest thing ever) and crunchy snacks except for wholegrain rice crackers and salty gluten free pretzels but I am obsessed with these chips. Where oh where does a girl get a lifetime supply?!

Handle Broke Off Mug

Recent Fail: On the weekend I went to make a cup of tea and carried it over to the other side of the bench whilst I got the rest of my breakfast ready and BAM! All of a sudden there was tea spilling everywhere, a cup on the ground and one big old mess to clean up.

At first I thought I somehow managed to drop the mug (though I couldn't figure out how or why I managed to do that) but then when I was cleaning up I noticed the handle had snapped clean off and it wasn't actually me dropping the mug that was the problem - but the fact that the handle had snapped off!

Luckily my awesome husband took me to the shops after church on Sunday to buy another massive mug to replace my old favourite.


Recent Posts on the Blog: Here's what you might have missed this week! Click the pictures above to be taken to the post! I have seriously been slacking on posts this week! I'm sorry, loves! :( 

Homemade Baked Chicken Schnitzel and Chips

Recent Eats: This week we've been busy busy busy so dinner has had to be something that's quick and easy on most nights. Here's what we've eaten lately; 
  • Saturday: Our Creamy Chicken and Rice Soup (got to share that recipe ASAP!)
  • Sunday: Creamy Healthy Mac and Cheese Recipe with Bacon
  • Monday: Cheesy Chicken Quinoa Casserole. I really felt like quinoa on Tuesday and whipped them up randomly, thinking they'd probably not be too much of a hit with Jesse but he loved them! Warm, cheesy and healthy - what more could you want?!
  • Tuesday: Tacoooooooooo Tuesday! This week I managed to grab some BFree Gluten Free Wraps just in time for Taco Tuesday so we both had Beef and Black Bean Burritos! 
  • Wednesday: Mushroom Soup with bread and salad (I whipped this up in the Cuisine Companion whilst I worked away most of the day on my Winter Fashion Must Haves Post and by the time we were ready for dinner it was ready to eat!)
  • Thursday: Homemade gluten free baked chicken schnitzels and chips with salad.
  • Tonight: Probably something quick and easy like our Healthy Homemade Hamburger Helper Copycat Recipe or a Beef Sticky Peanut Stir Fry!

But tell me, how has your week been?
What's the last thing you took the time to stop and admire?
And what's your recent food obsession?



  1. Ah warm socks! Girl they are a staple for me even in the summer!

  2. Wow--I've never seen lentil chips before but they sound delicious! My recent food obsession is "chocolate yogurt" (yogurt with cocoa powder and maple syrup mixed in); I can't stop eating it! :P

    Also, I loved your fashion post earlier this week! :)

  3. You and me both! I am always wearing socks!

  4. Thank you, lovely!

    The Lentil Chips are SO good - you'll definitely have to seek some out and give them a try! Your chocolate yogurt concoction sounds so good - I do a similar thing but also add a shot of cooled coffee for a mocha pudding type treat!


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