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Friday, May 29, 2015

Recent Things: Bunny Friends, Puppy Snuggles and ALL THE HOT DRINKS!

Recent Things in the Southern In-Law World

Helllooo? Is anyone out there?! 

It's Friday again and this girl has to seriously apologise for how quiet it's been in the last week around here! You see, when you combine internet problems, ridiculously busy days full of meetings and running here, there and everywhere and the flu x2 (because apparently Jesse and I love each other so much we can't just let one get sick on their own) you get a blog that's looking pretty lonely. 

But nevertheless, I've got some deliciousness planned both over the weekend and next week  that I want to tell you about (and I want your input on which recipes you want to see first) so let's get to it! >> 

Bunny snuggles with Ginger the Bunny

Recent Snuggles: Over the weekend we went to a friend's place for a barbeque where I made a new little buddy. Meet Ginger the Bunny! Jesse was totally jealous of my ability to make all babies and animals calm and snuggly because I happily had Ginger in my lap for an hour or so and he was calm as can be. Best of all? We were totally colour coordinated ;) 

Teff Chocolate Pudding Recipe Coming Soon

Recent Recipe Testing: Every spare second I've had lately has been used to create and test new recipes for you guys! To redeem myself for my horrible lack of posting this week I thought I'd share a deeeeeeeeeeeelicious chocolatey treat with you tomorrow - but there's a twist! This incredible chocolate pudding is actually healthy, vegan and whole grain and uses one of my new favourite ingredients; teff! Stay tuned for that recipe tomorrow!

Healthy Creamy Chicken and Rice Soup Recipe

Recent Eats: This week we've been trying out a couple of new recipes and enjoying old favourites. Here's what's been on the menu this week;
  • Saturday; Our Healthy Creamy Pesto Pasta Recipe with grilled chicken and salad
  • Sunday; Roasted Pumpkin and Feta Quinoa Bowls
  • Monday; Grilled Chicken with a Creamy Cheese Sauce, Roasted Kipler Potatoes and Steamed Veggies
  • Tuesday; Taco Tuesday (as always!) - Beef and black bean burritos on gluten free wraps 
  • Wednesday; Healthy Creamy Chicken and Rice Soup Recipe
  • Thursday; Sesame Noodles with Chicken and Veggies (SO good!) 
  • Tonight; I think I'm going to make spaghetti for our Igniters so Jesse will probably eat with them (as my spaghetti is preeeetttty awesome if I do say so myself!) and I'll grab something quickly before we go (as I still can't eat tomatoes - womp womp!)

All You Need is a Little Bit of Coffee and a Whole Lot of Jesus

Recent Obsession: ALL THE HOT DRINKS! My throat is killing me and I've been struggling to keep warm so I'm constantly looking for something warm. Black tea, chai tea, ginger tea, green tea, peppermint tea, coffee or hot chocolate - I'll take it all! {Mug from here or here

Healthy Custard Oats Recipe

Recent Reintroduction: "Custard Oats" - not an actual name per say but that's what I call them. I'm wondering if I should share the recipe as they're so good. It's a thick, creamy, healthy custard like breakfast treat that I can't stop eating!

Puppy Snuggles Whilst Sick

Recent Cuteness: Excuse the lack of makeup/brushed hair etc but Trixie Belle is currently snuggled into my lap whilst I write to you. She knows I'm not feeling well as she's been snuggling with me all morning <3

How much is that doggie in the window?

Trixie has also learnt to push the blinds up in our bay window in our bedroom so she can sit and wait for us to come home when we go out. It's so cute seeing her fluffy little head poking out :P 

And it always makes me think; Howwwwww much is that dogggggyyy in the window?

Suggest a Recipe - Healthy Recipe Makeover Requests

But I'd love to know. What recipes would you like to see on Southern In-Law soon? Feel free to fill my head with ideas and inspiration as I plan on baking and creating a lot next week!

But tell me, how has your week been?
What's one food you're loving at the moment?
And what was the best thing you ate this week?
Be sure to leave a comment below - otherwise I'm just talking to myself!



  1. Hope y'all are feeling better! Busy week here, as well. Hmm, chocolate or I have to choose? I'd like the recipe for each one! Nice to 'hear' from you -- take care! :-)

  2. O bunnies <3 So so so sweet and cute!
    I'm going to call that chocolate pudding bowl and swimming pool of love for no ;) <3 Yum!

  3. I would love that chocolate pudding recipe! :D as well as any new protein powder baked goods as I'm currently obsessed with protein treats of all sorts! :P

  4. Oooh please share the custard oats recipe!!

  5. Thank you lovely! I am photographing the custard oats today so they'll be on the blog this week! Keep an eye out! xx

  6. I'm photographing it today so keep an eye out for the recipe this week! xx

  7. Don't worry there are lots of protein treats coming soon because I'm obsessed as well! xx


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