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Sunday, March 22, 2015

6 Sentence Sunday: 22nd March, 2014

We're coming to the end of an awesome weekend that has been filled with fun and I'm wishing I could press replay and delay the working week a little longer :P 

Yesterday we headed to Eveleigh Farmer's Markets in the morning to catch up and spend some time with our friends, then returned home to go shopping to get some things for an upcoming craft project and before we knew it it was time to head out again as we were off to see Cirque's Le Noir at The Lyric Theatre.

Cirque Le Noir Review Sydney Lyric Theatre

 Little did I know, Le Noir was going to exceed my every expectation and Jesse and I spent the entire show completely in awe of their talent, strength, courage, trust and artistry.

Cirque Le Noir Review Sydney Lyric Theatre

We saw Totem back in December but, dare I say it, I actually think I may have enjoyed Le Noir even more (which was totally not what I was expecting!) as it really focused in on the talents of each of the performers and each and every performance grabbed your attention and held it to the very end.

Cirque Le Noir Review Sydney Lyric Theatre

But the final act? Let me just say that I had my jaw on the floor the entire time, clutching at Jesse's arm and feeling a mix of fear/adrenaline/sheer awe over what these two guys were doing - you seriously need to see it to understand the feeling (tickets are available here and the show runs until April 4th - also, if you're worried about it being to risque, don't be as it really doesn't focus too much on that - instead focusing on the individual performers - and if I can say that, it's definitely not too risque :P) 

This week I'm hoping to fit in some time to come up with some delicious Easter recipes for you all - so be sure to send through any suggestions/requests you might have so that I can get to work on them!

But tell me, how has your weekend been?
Did you get up to anything exciting or did you enjoy a relaxed weekend instead?
And what do you prefer - heading to the theatre and seeing something live or watching a movie?
I'm all about live theatre - I cannot ever see too many shows!


  1. I was undecided on whether or not we should buy tickets to Le Noir but I have just bought tickets for next weekend after seeing your post!!! Can't wait!!!!! PS: love your blog! I read every post but this is my first time commenting

  2. I usually prefer live theatre to movies, but it depends--sometimes the newest episode of my favorite show and a big bowl of popcorn is all I need for entertainment! :P Your photos are awesome though--I'm sure that show was better than any TV show!

    My weekend's been really exciting--the BF and I visited his sister in Boston and took the train down to New York City for a night as well! We visited the natural history museum, Central Park, and went out for a nice meal at a gluten-free, vegan restaurant, all of which were amazing!

  3. Oh I am with you - I will quite happily binge watch our favourite TV shows at home instead of going out :P

    Your weekend sounds like heaps of fun! I wish they had gluten free restaurants here so we could actually go out to eat for once, haha ;P


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